's in your active skin's jrCore_form_editor template....
It is for strumelia, because she's over-riding it with her skin.
Look for it in these places in this order:
ACP -> CORE -> SYSTEM CORE -> TEMPLATES -> form_editor.tpl
That's the most default place for it to be and where you would over-ride it if you like over-riding things via the ACP.
If your more into skins, then its possible that you have a file in your skin that over-rides it
(like stumelia does), in which case you can alter it via that file if you like working in the filesystem instead at:
And the last place to look for it would be if its been over-ridden by the skin, BUT then you have over-riden that over-ride in the ACP you might look for it at:
ACP -> SKINS -> YOUR SKIN -> TEMPLATES -> jrCore_form_editor.tpl