Overall I really like Jamroom and am looking forward to getting settled in. Moving homes isn't fun, but when it's all said and done you are glad you did it. Living through a remodel isn't fun, but in the long run it's worth it.
I find myself moving and remodeling at the same time. I know it's worth it, but convincing the members is the job.
I've been looking for some simple walk throughs, documentation, FAQ, etc to expedite things and help me get comfortable. I'm very aware of my ignorance and lack of confidence in the dashboard. Some of that will come with time, but I'd like to learn the easy way whenever possible.
I still have a few questions like:
how to I promote my former moderators to something bigger than a normal user? I think they can only be admins, which is fine, I just haven't figured it out.
is there a way in the groups to flip the comment wall so most recent comment is at the top instead of the bottom? This seems like it could be simple, and it would make a big difference since facebook and Ning both work that way. My members expect it.
updated by @hypnoscott: 11/04/15 08:42:34AM