Somewhere in the guts of JR I found this information on using a search field:
Item Search Options:
value - Search for exact value match.
%value - Search for items that end in value.
value% - Search for items that begin with value.
%value% - Search for items that contain value.
Item Key Search Options:
key:value - Search for specific key with exact value match.
key:%value - Search for specific key that begins with value.
key:value% - Search for specific key that ends with value.
key:%value% - Search for specific key that contains value.
These rules raise a number of questions:
1. Do the rules apply to all search fields in JR?
2. What do the phrases "item search" and "item key search" mean?
3. Does % refer to the actual percentage symbol on our keyboard, or something else?
Otherwise, this is great - there are rules! So they can be explained in common English!
Hope springs%
Cheers, Peter
PJ Matthews, Kyoto
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updated by @researchcooperative: 10/17/15 04:03:45PM