How to remove blog from index (Lucid Skin)

10 years ago
4 posts
Hi all, I have been digging through templates & css for 2 hours now trying to remove blog entries from the index page of my new install (5.2.37)
I managed to remove the blog post by simply deleting it in the end, but I still have a header for archive 'Older Posts'.
I have tried editing jblog templates, skin templates, css & php. How do I remove it I dont understand why it has to be so difficult?
updated by @peepo: 06/28/16 07:26:41AM
10 years ago
2,800 posts
Hello and welcome to Jamroom!

If you want to remove the code for the index blogs in the Lucid skin, you'll want to modify your skins/jrNewLucid/index.tpl file.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
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