Jamroom 5 updating problem

10 years ago
36 posts
Hi there

I'm currently on jamroom 5.2.36 and want to update the core to 5.2.37 but when I click the update button the icon spins for ever and the core never gets updated. I was able to update a skin befor via the admin panel. Doing intergriy checks didn't help as well. Please help on what I can do or if I want to do a manual update can I download the latest version and ovewrite the current files?
updated by @paatie: 09/29/15 02:28:30PM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
It should be as easy as going to:

and clicking the UPDATE ALL ITEMS button.

When you click that a pop-over panel will appear (screenshot) If thats not happening check

to make sure your system has no red lights on it. Could be a server issue, but if you've already done updates before, that's unlikely. Also try installing one of the free modules from the marketplace just to check that the communication system between your server and the main jamroom server is working.
10 years ago
36 posts
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the response

I tried to use update all and I get "error ecountered communicating with the server". ACP -> CORE -> SYSTEM CORE -> TOOLS -> SYSTEM CHECK everything is green here. This is very strange because I have bought a skin and about 3 modules and installed via the marketplace without any problems. The skin was able to update from the market place as well. Any other suggestions?
screenshot.jpg  •  73KB

screenshot1.jpg  •  119KB

10 years ago
7,791 posts
My first suspicions jump to: Probably a connection related issue, try again in a while.

If your server company is a long way from our server that could possibly be the issue, but it is unlikely as the internet for server to server connections is pretty stable. Unless it was a server that your using at your home, that might make it a bit more likely.

The next thoughts are a stretch.
* If it was a server setup issue, has anything changed between last time you used the marketplace to download something and this time. Perhaps a change in server settings caused a path that was open to now not be open. (seams unlikely)

You can always download the version from here on jamroom.net and upload it over top of what you have on your server as a backup plan.

Nice to get the marketplace working though. Give it another try now and see if it makes a difference.
updated by @michael: 08/28/15 06:43:45PM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
on the issue of manual updates, all the data for the site is stored in the database, so you can either just upload into the same directory as the old module was to do an update.

The only thing to be aware of is that if any files have been DELETED in the newer version they will still be there if you just upload.

If you use an IDE like PhpStorm for development, then it has a "sync with deployed to...." option that checks to see the server and the local version are the same which is useful.

Files aren't often being deleted from modules so its only a real small concern.
