OK, I tried to do this simply, then tried more complex, nothing seems to make a bit of difference in how my tinymce editer menus or toolbars look or function.
Here is my original form_editor.tpl:
{jrCore_module_url module="jrCore" assign="murl"}
body_id: "{$form_editor_id}",
content_css: "{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/css/{$murl}/jrCore_tinymce.css?v={$_mods.jrCore.module_version}",
toolbar_items_size : "small",
element_format: "html",
autoresize_bottom_margin: "3",
keep_styles: false,
theme: "{$theme}",
selector: "textarea#{$form_editor_id}",
relative_urls: false,
remove_script_host: false,
convert_fonts_to_spans: true,
menubar: false,
statusbar: false,
paste_as_text: true,
entity_encoding: "raw",
height: "100%",
image_advtab: true,
plugins: "contextmenu,pagebreak,{if $jrsmiley}jrsmiley,{/if}{if $jrembed}jrembed,media{/if},image,autoresize,{if $table}table,{/if}link,code,fullscreen,textcolor,colorpicker,preview",
toolbar1: "formatselect | fontselect forecolor {if $strong} bold{/if}{if $em} italic{/if}{if $span} underline{/if} | {if $span || $div} alignleft{/if}{if $span || $div} aligncenter{/if}{if $span || $div} alignright{/if}{if $span || $div} alignjustify |{/if}{if $ul && $li} bullist numlist |{/if}{if $div} outdent indent |{/if} undo redo | link unlink anchor pagebreak{if $table} table{/if} | {if $hr} hr{/if}{if $sub && $sup} | sub sup {/if} | code preview fullscreen{if $jrembed || $jrsmiley} |{/if}{if $jrembed} jrembed{/if}{if $jrsmiley} jrsmiley{/if}",
contextmenu: "link image | cut copy paste"
and here is what I wound up with after a bunch of attempts:
{jrCore_module_url module="jrCore" assign="murl"}
body_id: "{$form_editor_id}",
content_css: "{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/css/{$murl}/jrCore_tinymce.css?v={$_mods.jrCore.module_version}",
toolbar_items_size : "small",
element_format: "html",
autoresize_bottom_margin: "3",
keep_styles: false,
theme: "{$theme}",
selector: "textarea#{$form_editor_id}",
relative_urls: false,
remove_script_host: false,
convert_fonts_to_spans: true,
menubar: false,
statusbar: false,
paste_as_text: true,
entity_encoding: "raw",
height: "100%",
image_advtab: true,
plugins: "pagebreak,{if $jrsmiley}jrsmiley,{/if}{if $jrembed}jrembed,media{/if},image,autoresize,{if $table}table,{/if}link,code,textcolor,colorpicker,preview,spellchecker",
toolbar1: "formatselect | fontselect forecolor {if $strong} bold{/if}{if $em} italic{/if}{if $span} underline{/if} | {if $span || $div} alignleft{/if}{if $span || $div} aligncenter{/if}{if $span || $div} alignright{/if}{if $span || $div} alignjustify |{/if}{if $ul && $li} bullist numlist |{/if}{if $div} outdent indent |{/if} undo redo | link unlink anchor pagebreak{if $table} table{/if} | {if $hr} hr{/if}{if $sub && $sup} | sub sup {/if} | code preview{if $jrembed || $jrsmiley} |{/if}{if $jrembed} jrembed{/if} {if $jrimage} image{/if} {if $jrsmiley} jrsmiley{/if} | spellchecker",});
Note that I experimented with removing all "contextmenu" stuff, tried to remove "fullscreen" plugin, tried to add Image and Spellchecker(for good measure).
reset cache and icons. saved everything.
Before and after of the text editor shows none of those changes at ALL, plus I still get the copy/paste context menu that won't let me: "Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X/C/V keyboard shortcuts instead.":
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015