solved Shifted profile from one quota to another and it disappeared

10 years ago
694 posts
Hi. Earlier today Michael brought my "Indexing" profile back into view at its usual URL:

To check why it may have disappeared, I looked at my quota list in ACP and found that there were zero profiles in the Indexing Hub quota where I expected this profile to be.

I found the profile sitting in the Publishing Hub quota, so used the modify profile tool to change its quota to the Indexing Hub.

When I went to the URL for this profile (as above), it was missing again.

Now all I get is the "This page does not exist" message and the option to create a new page in Site Builder.

I tried reversing the effect by shifting the profile back into the Publishing Hub quota, but it remained invisible.

I now have it sitting in the Indexing Hub quota, and am hoping for revelation and a reincarnation of the Indexing profile!

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 10/03/15 07:23:17AM
10 years ago
694 posts
As a sequel to this, I've done it again, but in a different way.

My "Websites" profile is currently located in the Publishing Hub quota, and as above, this is not where I want it. It should be in the Websites Hub quota.

As a test, I did not move the profile to the other quota. I used the Modify tool to change data in the Profile information form, and I did just one thing: I changed the name in the field for PSN Department from a default value of "PSN Department" to "Websites", then saved. Then I went to the profile URL:

and now it is gone. I see only the "This page does not exist" message and the option to create a new page in Site Builder.

So it seems that as soon as any detail of a profile is changed using a profile form, the entire profile disappears.

Presumably, if I had regular members who could figure out how to change their profile data, their profiles would also disappear. I'm glad to be working with a test site here!

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 08/14/15 05:02:47AM
10 years ago
7,799 posts
looking now. You've got something in there that's causing your 'profile_url' to be cleared somehow.

Let you know when I have more.

You've got something in there thats causing the profile_url to be cleared whenever the profile info is saved. Not sure why yet.
updated by @michael: 08/14/15 09:29:23PM
10 years ago
7,799 posts
Ok, found the reason. The profile_url is set off of the "Profile Name" but you've set the Profile Name to only be visible to users in the quota "(quota) Central Administration".

Since the profile 'indexing' is not in that group, it means it doesn't have a profile name. If it doesn't have a profile name, it doesn't have a URL.

I think I'm understanding what your thinking:
My guess is that you think the by setting the "Display Groups" to "(quota) Central Administration" that users who have a profile also in Central Administration will see that form field for THIS profile (indexing) which is in another quota.

So then the admin users could come along and update it because they also own a profile in the Central Administration quota. That's what my guess is.

If my guess is correct: then, no, thats not how it works. the 'Indexing' profile is in the "Indexing Hub" quota. So if you want any form fields to show FOR EVERYONE when they visit the profile editing page, you need to allow those fields in the Form Designer.

The exception is to use the (group) settings. They are user settings, not (quota) settings.

In either case though, if the profile name is gone the url is going to be cleared out. Which is not good.
10 years ago
694 posts
In the Quota Config for the User Profile module, I have set the Default Profile Privacy to "Global - visible to everyone" for all quotas.

See next... my aim overall is to make most profile data visible to all visitors and members, apart from the private identity and contact data, and private comments, that are private between the member and the network administration and required for joining.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 08/15/15 04:53:55AM
10 years ago
694 posts
On further thought... it seems you are talking about the visibility of individual fields in the form designer. Perhaps I did overlook something there. I don't completely understand the field visibility settings.

In principle, I want almost all profile fields to be visible to all visitors and members who look at the website. For this, for each field that I want to be seen, can I use the setting [group] All users (including logged out)? If I use that setting, then I imagine that adding any of the other more specific options is redundant.

In any case, why should the visibility setting have any effect on the URL of a page? When we change visibility settings, it doesn't mean we want to delete the actual page and its URL. I would never imagine that a visibility setting would have such an effect.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 08/15/15 04:33:01AM
10 years ago
7,799 posts
On further thought... it seems you are talking about the visibility of individual fields in the form designer. ...
Correct, for the Form Designer "display groups" the selections you choose are the people or profiles those settings will display for.

* profile "indexing" is owned by @someuser who is a 'Master Admin'. The "indexing" profile is in the "Quota A" quota.

If the 'display group' has (quota) Quota A selected, then the form field will show.
If the 'display group' has (group) Master Admin selected, then the form field will show.
10 years ago
7,799 posts
researchcooperative:...why should the visibility setting have any effect on the URL of a page?...
Its been fixed in the next version of the profile module.

The assumption in the saving mechanism was that every profile would have a profile_name coming in, so it wasn't checked for. The incoming profile_name is used to create the profile_url so that is what your seeing.

What was happening was that since the profile name was empty, the profile url also became empty, empty translated to no url, so it was redirecting to the top page.