Adding a clickable image to a module profile page tab

Developer Networks
Developer Networks
12 years ago
566 posts
jrCore_register_module_feature('jrProfile', 'profile_tab', 'myModule', 'mytab', 22); // 22 = 'mytab'

I was working on the design part tonight and wanted to add a clickable image to my module page tab but havent seen this done yet and dont believe this was covered in any documentation.

How would I go about adding a clickable image to a module profile page tab?


updated by @developer-networks: 01/08/14 08:03:36AM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
The only thing you could try is to make the HTML part of the "menu" language entry, but I'm not sure if that is going to work - this may not be supported.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
