My impression from some recent play on my site is that the access and download permissions are not consistent across media, or at least are not presented in a consistent way.
This may reflect gradual development of the system for working with different media.
For previewing and downloading ebooks or journal issues (as pdf files, for example) through the Jamroom system it would be good to have an easily managed set of controls for access and downloads.
In my case, the entity that wishes to control access may be a text publishing company with a profile page in a quota dedicated to publishing journals or newsletters.
Jamroom might never be competitive with dedicated publishing platforms, but might be able to play a role in low-budget distribution for authors' PDF reprints, journal start-ups, and the like, or as site where publishers can provide sample texts for promotional purposes.
PS @michael
First, thanks for the reply...
I can't add a file in a response to your reply, for some reason, so will add it here as an update to the original message.
The attached file shows in summary the configuration options available in JR modules for the different common media of audio, file (usually document?), and image (static).
It is nice to be able to watermark images, but this would also be useful for audio and document files. Perhaps JR could invent a JR-specific water-sound watermark for sound files (?!).
The settings and controls are not the equivalent in the case of each media type, but could be, and seem best developed for sound.
For JR to be more useful for management and publishing of documents, it would be good to be able to organise documents into volumes (equivalent to albums) and to control access and downloading for preview and distribution purposes.
As explained in the document, audiovisual is different because the JR system is designed to integrate with Vimeo and Youtube, rather than attempting to duplicate those platforms.
PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (
updated by @researchcooperative: 09/05/15 03:28:49AM