Profile tabs

White Agency
White Agency
9 years ago
204 posts
We need to edit the links in the profile tabs but we're struggling to find where to edit them.

Anybody point me in the right direction ?
updated by @white-agency: 08/20/15 07:37:13PM
9 years ago
4,331 posts
Which tabs are you talking about?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
White Agency
White Agency
9 years ago
204 posts
These ones when you go into the forum :-
sw-profile-tabs.jpg  •  13KB

updated by @white-agency: 07/21/15 07:06:56AM
9 years ago
4,331 posts
Unfortunately they are hard coded in the Forums module. Curious as to why you want to change them?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
White Agency
White Agency
9 years ago
204 posts
Users consider 'My Posts' to be incorrect in that it shows topics they have posted in (just one entry regardless of how many posts they have made in a topic).

What they are expecting is a list of ALL of their posts. We've got this in their profile page where I hard coded into profile_sidebar.tpl to go with the other stats.

  <div class="stat_entry_box" onclick="window.location='{$jamroom_url}/forum/activity/{$_profile_id}/{$profile_url}'">
  {jrCore_lang module="jrForum" id="35" default="posts"}: {$profile_jrForum_item_count|default:0|number_format}

Is profile_tabs.tpl used anywhere else as I may hard code it to get what we want.
updated by @white-agency: 07/21/15 07:44:06AM
