My understanding is that messages can only be sent by regular member A to regular member B if B has already decided to follow A.
If A wants to send a message to B, then A must follow B and then hope that B responds in kind, despite not having any means of knowing exactly why A has become a follower.
Administrators have a better range of options:
1. As Admin, to send a specific member a private message, I can follow that member, and hope that they follow me despite not knowing why I chose to follow them (just like a regular member of the network).
2. As Admin., I can copy and paste individual email addresses from the Data Browser in Dashboard in order to build a mailing list.
3. As Admin., I can go to ACP, and find the Email Newsletter module, open that, and create a new email newsletter using the Create Newsletter button. This allows me to send multiple emails to all profiles in each quota. The most useful is likely to be the quota for "regular" or standard members as that is the default category for all members joining the network.
4. Clicking on the email newsletter "Newsletter Stats" button leads to a page called "Newsletter Browser" which is just a table with Stats. I cannot actually browse the old newsletters. Is there an archive of old newsletters that I can browse?
1. Is it possible for regular members to tell other members why they want to follow them (e.g. to exchange private messages), and to explain a request to be followed in return?
2. Is it possible for regular members to communicate with each other without being mutual followers?
I know there has been some discussion of why it is not good to allow unrestricted private messaging between members, but can members control the messages they receive (block senders) if a problem arises? Or can this only be done by 'unfollowing' them?
PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (
updated by @researchcooperative: 08/26/15 07:02:47AM