Here's something that I suspect ought to be fixed-
Say a member turns ugly and posts something nasty while the site owner is away. Your moderators are instructed to merely de-activate (uncheck the 'profile active' box) their profile until you can get back and see what the person did and gather their account information so you can add it to the 'banned' module lists.
The mods know that when a member is de-activated, only the admins can see their profile, content, and posts...the de-activated member will be INVISIBLE to regular logged in members.
HOWEVER- it appears to me that they are completely VISIBLE to anyone not logged member or not. So that means both casual browsing visitors and members who are going to the site in order to log in, will SEE everything posted by Icky Member. until they log in.
This seems very undesireable/unintended to me. Can it be adjusted?
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 08/27/15 02:58:20AM