solved 'De-activate Member' has glitch.

10 years ago
3,605 posts
Here's something that I suspect ought to be fixed-
Say a member turns ugly and posts something nasty while the site owner is away. Your moderators are instructed to merely de-activate (uncheck the 'profile active' box) their profile until you can get back and see what the person did and gather their account information so you can add it to the 'banned' module lists.
The mods know that when a member is de-activated, only the admins can see their profile, content, and posts...the de-activated member will be INVISIBLE to regular logged in members.

HOWEVER- it appears to me that they are completely VISIBLE to anyone not logged member or not. So that means both casual browsing visitors and members who are going to the site in order to log in, will SEE everything posted by Icky Member. until they log in.

This seems very undesireable/unintended to me. Can it be adjusted?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 08/27/15 02:58:20AM
10 years ago
7,799 posts
That does seam un-usual. If logged in members can't see it, the logged out users shouldn't be seeing it either.

I'll look into it. Thanks.
10 years ago
694 posts
Dear Strumelia,

This is off topic because I cannot message you privately within (unless you choose to "follow" me). And I cannot ask you to follow me without making a public request in a forum like this (which seems an odd aspect of JR).

In any case, it concerns a possible glitch at your mountain dulcimers site:

When attempting to see site rules before trying to join up at mountain dulcimers, I found that the rules are hidden for non-members who are not logged in. Maybe this is something you know about, or maybe my browser is odd, but just in case. See the following sentence on your home page.

"Please- read the Site Rules first, then join up"

Best regards, Peter

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Thanks Peter, I will change the wording there! :)
I'll also 'follow' you here.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
7,799 posts
@researchcooperative you can add a message to your timeline with @strumelia in it and it will appear in her timeline MENTIONS list.

Its the same model twitter uses.

updated by @michael: 07/21/15 03:05:45AM
10 years ago
865 posts
Since he is using NingJa the mentions won't work Michael, there is a bug with the timeline where if you click on mentions it redirects back to the profile index page.
10 years ago
7,799 posts
There is? Is there a ticket for that bug anywhere, or a forum thread? I can see it happening, it needs fixing.

Think I've got this fixed, just need to get an OK on it.
updated by @michael: 07/22/15 02:18:55AM
10 years ago
865 posts
Yeah I mentioned it in a thread a while ago.
10 years ago
7,799 posts
Here's something that I suspect ought to be fixed-
Say a member turns ugly and posts something nasty while the site owner is away. Your moderators are instructed to merely de-activate (uncheck the 'profile active' box) their profile until you can get back and see what the person did and gather their account information so you can add it to the 'banned' module lists.
The mods know that when a member is de-activated, only the admins can see their profile, content, and posts...the de-activated member will be INVISIBLE to regular logged in members.

HOWEVER- it appears to me that they are completely VISIBLE to anyone not logged member or not. So that means both casual browsing visitors and members who are going to the site in order to log in, will SEE everything posted by Icky Member. until they log in.

This seems very undesireable/unintended to me. Can it be adjusted?

Need a bit more info on steps to recreate this please.

What I tried:
* as user 'three-mitsu' I posted a blog post.
* when I viewed the blog post logged in as 'three-mitsu' I COULD see the blog post
* when I viewed the blog post logged in as 'admin' I COULD see the blog post
* when I viewed the blog post logged OUT I could NOT see the blog post

As a logged out user or as 'three-mitsu' when I visit the blog list:

The blog post by 'three-mitsu' was not visible in the blog post list while the "Profile Active" checkbox was un-checked. When I re-checked it as the admin user the blog post did become visible in the list for both 'three-mitsu' and the logged out user.

That seams to be working as expected.
10 years ago
3,605 posts
I see what was happening. The deactivated member's profile and posts do become invisible...but...entries in the main page Activity Feed history still SHOW to logged OUT site visitors for quite a few minutes, even after clearing browser history and cache...despite a member having been de-activated. Even when I go into the Data Browser as ADMIN and delete those entries from the Activity Feed data browser,it takes a few minutes for the to actually disappear, even when refreshing the page frequently. it's the activity feed's history entries that are lingering and visible. I've noticed that long lag time in Activity feed deletions for a many months now.

Normally not a big deal- unless some member or spammer posts something truly nasty, and various people keep seeing/reading it for ten or fifteen minutes... =8-\
It's sure be nice if admin deletions in the activity feed took effect immediately...?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
2,804 posts
After deactivating the member, try reseting your cache: ACP > System Tools > Reset Cache

That should remove the member/media from your lists.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Douglas, do you mean if "I" clear the cache after de-activating the member then it will immediately remove that member's items from the main page activity feed so the OTHER members will no longer see them in the activity feed once their browser page is refreshed or clicked away from and back to again?
I guess i need to know if when you say "That should remove the member/media from your lists."...will it remove the member/media from OTHER people's views right away as well, or just my own?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
10,149 posts
entries in the main page Activity Feed history still SHOW to logged OUT site visitors for quite a few minutes, even after clearing browser history and cache...despite a member having been de-activated.

This is correct and due to caching - the only way to prevent this from happening is to completely disable caching, which is a bad idea. JR actually does a pretty good job of finding all the cache pages a profile is involved with, and those are invalidated when a profile is removed, but when the list is embedded into a skin page (i.e. your index.tpl) then only when the cache expires will you see the new content that no longer includes the deleted profile.

This is normal and something to expect if you want your system to perform well.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Thank you for the good explanation Brian. :)

I notice it takes a few minutes to show changes on the main page as well when I simply delete an item from the Data Browser's 'Activity Feed'.

Would there be a way to shorten that time lag period by like 25 or 30% ?
Just asking!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Yes - this is all controlled by the System Core -> Global Config -> "default cache seconds" setting. By default it is 300 (5 minutes). Set it to whatever you would like - the lower you go the more often the page will be regenerated, which will make it appear "slower" for a larger percent of your users (since it will not be cached more frequently).

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Thank you Brian for all your help today! I have learned quite a bit.

I'm going to set it to 225 (3.75 minutes) and see how that goes. My members are mostly older, so they get vertigo if things go too fast anyway. lololol... :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 07/25/15 11:37:50AM