completed Domain name setup?

Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
10 years ago
826 posts
ok i have my domain name from i have been using it on ning and now i want to move it to jamroom when i select it to be the active domain on jamroom no one can see it they only see 404 ? what am i doing wrong ?
updated by @zachary-moonshine: 08/14/15 04:54:54AM
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
10 years ago
826 posts
I asked yola what to do and they told me this, any ideas ?
Hi Zach,

Thanks for getting in touch, it is great to hear from you. Is it safe to assume you are referring to the domain:

To point your domain to a new provider, it will be necessary to make DNS changes. I am not familiar with Jamroom nor am I familiar with linode. I did find information on Jamroom tutorials here, where they explain changing the IP addresses for pointing external domains to Jamroom; however, they do not detail what the Jamroom IP address is. (They use a basic 111.11.1111 as an example).

If you can ask their support team for specific details on their IP address and/or name servers, we will be able to assist you with adjusting the DNS settings. Thanks, Zach. I look forward to hearing from you further. Take care!
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
10 years ago
826 posts
ok nevermind i feel silly now, i read the documentation and followed the instructions and now it works ....but it leads me to another problem, after i login to my jamroom site the url changes to show at the tail end of my domain name how do i remove this ?
updated by @zachary-moonshine: 07/11/15 05:59:53PM
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
10 years ago
826 posts
ok i see now i went back in to my server config and changed the active one to my domain now it is all set up and all looks like just my domain i just had to wait a bit for it to finish updating i guess !
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
10 years ago
826 posts
well nevermind it worked great for a while then back to 404 again, then i have to revert to make the jamroomhosting name active again or else i cant get back in but if i leave it like that for a while the other links start bringing me to the site but after about 10 minutes on my own domain being active it goes back to 404 so it is down now no idea what is going on or what to do ?
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
10 years ago
826 posts
ok i have been on the site now for over an hour and everything seems to be working so i guess its safe to assume i got the domain directed correctly now ?
10 years ago
865 posts
Check it here
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Yep - It looks to be working ok from this end as well.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
10 years ago
826 posts
yes very cool thanks for the dns site that is showing we are good all over