investigating Can using the Form Designer be explained in readable, unabbreviated English in Documentation?

10 years ago
694 posts
At the moment,in Form Designer, there is a panel where can design a new field.

This is briefly introduced here:

But in the example given, after selecting the field type, the options field is passed over.

In the form designer itself, a ? box provides the following instructions (see below) for choosing various options. For anyone not already familiar with the output of each choice, it is not obvious how the choice will look in the final form, from the user perspective.

It might be useful for many people if options could be illustrated in Documentation with screen grabs of what the final field will look like.

I find the explanation of most of these options very cryptic.

For example, if the field type chosen is an "Optionlist" then we are told:

"you can enter available options ONE PER LINE, in the following format: Option Value|Option Text - you may also enter a valid module FUNCTION name that will return the options dynamically."

My attempt to translate this is:

1. "Available options" are the options that you want to give users filling out this field. Decide what you want to call each option, and then enter one option name per line.
2. Now I am lost.... ??? What is an "option value"? How does this differ from an option text? And how can I use the format with a vertical bar in it? There is no vertical bar on my keyboard: "Option Value|Option Text"
3. What is a "valid module FUNCTION name?"

We need explanations in readable, unabbreviated English somewhere. Please!

Thanks, Peter


The Options value will vary depending on the selected field type:

file - you can enter the allowed file extensions as a comma separated list - i.e. "txt,pdf,doc,xls" - only files of these types will be allowed to be uploaded.

optionlist - you can enter available options ONE PER LINE, in the following format: Option Value|Option Text - you may also enter a valid module FUNCTION name that will return the options dynamically.

radio - you can enter available options ONE PER LINE, in the following format: Option Value|Option Text - you may also enter a valid module FUNCTION name that will return the options dynamically.

select - you can enter select options ONE PER LINE, in the following format: Option Value|Option Text - you may also enter a valid module FUNCTION name that will return the options dynamically.

select_multiple - you can enter select options ONE PER LINE, in the following format: Option Value|Option Text - you may also enter a valid module FUNCTION name that will return the options dynamically.

live_search - you can enter the searchable options ONE PER LINE, in the following format: Option Value|Option Text - you may also enter a valid module FUNCTION name that will return the options dynamically.

notice - Enter the type of notice (one of: error, notice, success) in the Label text field, and the text you want to display in the Options textarea. HTML is allowed.

chained_select - options are created using the Chained Select module - set this to the Option Set Name you have created in the module.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 08/04/15 07:03:34AM
10 years ago
694 posts
ps Sorry about the heading of this post... I'm not asking a straight technical question there. It's just the hand waving of an almost-drowning techno-incompetent.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Form Designer has been mostly beyond me as well, I get lost after the first couple of sentences. (at least so far) Im aware that JR was originally designed for developers and has since been 'invaded' by dodos from Ning like me.... lol I do feel bad about being so 'needy'.. I am however learning a couple of empowering new things every day about running my JR site. Slooow but steady progress in my journey. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
435 posts
Strumelia is right. It is slow but steady knowledge.
I can give you a little idea of how to deal with some of the items on the style editor.
When dealing with actual design, keep two tabs open. One to your site and the other to the style editor. When you make a change, refresh your tab with the page to your actual site, and see what it does.
As for the functions, kind of trial and error. I have made mistakes (I just did a whopper myself), but I chalk that up to learning. :)
10 years ago
865 posts
Form designer takes it for granted that you at very least know some things about html, fields have certain formats and that is what the help is trying to show you.
10 years ago
435 posts
This is true Gary. I have almost no html skills and that is what I find the hardest part.
10 years ago
3,603 posts
I have some rudimentary html knowledge, and I am slowly finding my way around templates, modules, and styles... and have grasped the basic practical applications of profiles/users/quotas/enabling etc. But the form designer has been a big stumbling block for me...just speaking for myself.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
435 posts
Quote: But the form designer has been a big stumbling block for me...just speaking for myself.
I've seen your site, and it doesn't look that way to me! :)
updated by @perrie: 06/28/15 07:02:59PM
10 years ago
3,603 posts
I had to get some help when it came to some of the form designer stuff.
(oh, the shame!) lol

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015