Disappearing Edit and Trash button glitch

10 years ago
694 posts
When writing a text for my documentation section, the initial writing and publishing steps work fine, but when I need to edit the text, edit and trash buttons disappear when my mouse arrow get's close.

I similar glitch was reported previously... but no final answer was given then.

Refreshing the page does work in my case too, but do we have to live with this glitch and solution to it?

Other editing windows behave in a more stable manner.


22 Dec 2013 06:19:54AM

When I posted the update button mouseover is reversed - when you roll over the item to edit it the edit, new and delete icons disappear. It works fine once the page has been refreshed.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)

updated by @researchcooperative: 08/05/15 06:19:44AM
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Yes, I get this many times a day, and the only thing that works is refreshing the page, sometimes several times. It was brought up here: https://www.jamroom.net/the-jamroom-network/forum/new_posts/29891/last-forum-reply-admin-icons-act-weird
Unfortunately, it comes and goes on the same page and post, happening and then not happening, so giving an 'example' of an url where it happens doens't work...because when you 'get there', it's usually working.

It's pretty frustrating, especially because we can't point to an example of it. Like a shooting gallery where the targets keep moving. Soaring Eagle and i are both experiencing it, and now you others too i guess. Same behavior though: "when you roll over the item to edit it the edit, new and delete icons disappear. It works fine once the page has been refreshed."
It's not critical because we know we can refresh the page once or twice to get it corrected, but it's getting old.... ;)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
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Having used JR daily for years, I've never once seen this - what browser are you using?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
3,605 posts
me- win 7 and firefox latest (38.0.5)
You other guys?...

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 06/24/15 02:19:51PM
10 years ago
334 posts
I've seen this a lot too - Windows XP SP3 (I know!) and Firefox 38.0.5.
10 years ago
7,799 posts
researchcooperative:...but do we have to live with this glitch and solution to it?.....

The answer to that is always going to require:
* has a way to recreate the issue been adequately documented so the Jamroom team are able to reproduce the bug.

Without a steps to take to see the issue (either here or on your site) there isn't much hope that it will get fixed. :(

But with steps, we can sort it out :)
10 years ago
694 posts
Just now I tried to reproduce the issue by creating a new Faq, jumping to other windows, then back again. No go. I use Firefox.

The edit and trash buttons were nice and stable, but I have a feeling that my internet connection is speedy tonight (Thursday).

Perhaps tonight there are not too many people watching movies through the shared cable from our apartment block. I'll just go door-to-door and make a head count. I'm sure everyone is awake after the repeating concert of solo revving motorbike outside. He's doing loops around the rice fields.


PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)
10 years ago
694 posts
Just to confirm, the message just sent above has edit and trash buttons that appear when I scroll into the published message screen.

They only appear when I do scroll into the screen, and tonight they stay there and let me click. No problem. But that's the action that does go awry sometimes.

Are those icons meant to vanish when our cursor is not on the message window?

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)

updated by @researchcooperative: 06/25/15 07:29:32AM
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Just saying, I've never had this happen on the Jamroom forums here...only on my site.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
7,799 posts
Sorry I'm a bit lost. I think your saying the problem has gone away.

Intended behaviour:
When you are the owner of an item, the buttons should appear when you hover over the item to allow you to perform actions on that item. When you are not hovering over the item, the buttons should not be visible.

This is a really nice structure for conveying what's happening:
What steps will reproduce the problem?

What is the expected result?

What happens instead?

Please provide any additional information below.
(Attach a code sample as text, or a screenshot or screencast if possible)

That's the one PhpStorm error reporting system uses, its quite nice. :)
10 years ago
3,605 posts
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Just browsing around on my site and going to edit my posts or a member's posts
2. When i copy/paste the url where it happens, one goes there and it's not happeing anymore. (d'oh!!!)

What is the expected result?
That buttons are invisible until hovered over, then they appear and can be clicked.

What happens instead?
Buttons are visible, then when you hover over them to click, they disappear. Clicking on the empty space does nothing. It's like 'in reverse' from what it's usually (and supposed to be) doing.

Please provide any additional information below.

Refreshing the page fixes it for that instance and location, but sometimes I have to refresh more than once. Then it occurs at some other unforeseen location and time.
Will try to do a screenshot next time, but dont think it will help much- just a picture of buttons and no buttons, and my mouse pointer.

(Attach a code sample as text, or a screenshot or screencast if possible)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 06/25/15 08:41:17PM
10 years ago
7,799 posts
:) Not what were you doing when it happens.... What steps can I take to see the issue happen for ME

Thanks for trying though. :)

What steps will reproduce the problem?

What is the expected result?
That buttons are invisible until hovered over, then they appear and can be clicked.

What happens instead?
Buttons are visible, then when you hover over them to click, they disappear. Clicking on the empty space does nothing. It's like 'in reverse' from what it's usually (and supposed to be) doing.

Or a URL to see it happen at. I think its connected to the CSS and what is in the content box above where the buttons are. something from the previous piece of content.
10 years ago
694 posts
All we can offer are steps that might reproduce the problem... For example, it reappeared just now when I did the following:

1. Yesterday: Created and saved new text in Documentation in my website.
2. Today: Returned to Documentation, and opened the new next (which is in a section), and tried to edit (update) there: http://publishsciencenet.jamroomhosting.com/publish-science-network/documentation/technical-tips/10/what-does-the-follow-button-do
3. Moved cursor towards the expected area of the update button and saw it appear, but then could not click on the button because it disappeared before the cursor could reach it.

We don't expect to have to refresh the page because it has just been opened!

At the section header level, the create, update, etc buttons are all stable and clickable.

In this case, it was the buttons at the next level down, inside the section, that could not be clicked because they disappear.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)

updated by @researchcooperative: 06/27/15 07:50:01AM
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
I tried to replicate this on my site but so far not go it to show the problem. From what I can see from the posts above the buttons are visible then when you hover into the post they vanish where as they should be hidden until the post is hovered into and then they show.

By looking into the css and I remove the hidden value so the buttons are visible and then I hover into the post they then vanish. This I think is what people are seeing so something somewhere is stopping the 'hidden' value in the css from not being called which keeps the icons showing then the hover runs and hides them.

updated by @john-bizley: 06/27/15 10:31:48AM
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Here I made a crappy little video of it happening yesterday- sorry for the poor quality, but it's the best i could do quickly: https://youtu.be/Za37MsIfJo0

at about 0:55 seconds, i go to refresh the page, and then it's fixed.
It happens when I go to edit posts that have already been posted, and I have yet to see it in 'middle' posts...only either in a discussion's top original post or an end post.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
Here I made a crappy little video of it happening yesterday- sorry for the poor quality, but it's the best i could do quickly: https://youtu.be/Za37MsIfJo0

at about 0:55 seconds, i go to refresh the page, and then it's fixed.
It happens when I go to edit posts that have already been posted, and I have yet to see it in 'middle' posts...only either in a discussion's top original post or an end post.

Yes I see the issue and it is something to do with the css not hiding those icons in the last post as I described above. When the page is refreshed the code runs which will correct the page and hide those icons. If you notice on that last forum post the icons are visible but the posts above they are not, those icons need to be hidden like all the others so when the post is hovered over they appear as normal. I will keep trying to get that issue to happen on my site to see why it's not hiding those icons.

You will notice that when you refreshed the page those icons where not visible on that last post but before the refresh they where.
updated by @john-bizley: 06/27/15 04:28:34PM
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
Finally got this happen on my site when opening the forum page. The first post had the icons showing which should not happen as they should be hidden until hovered over. So I managed to grab a screenshot showing the code for the .forum_actions and as I suspected the icons are set to display as a block instead of display none as it should be, so something is stopping the css code from setting the display none. If a piece of css is ignored then it will go to a default value set which would be the display block and so cause this issue.

Here is a screenshot showing the code
updated by @john-bizley: 06/28/15 06:20:23AM
10 years ago
7,799 posts
I've managed to see the issue happening, but its a weird one. After refreshing the page, the issue goes away.

The source code for the page where the buttons appear and the page where the buttons don't appear are exactly identical.

still a mystery, need more time. Thanks John for the detective work, and Strumelia for the video.

I know what the issue is now.
updated by @michael: 06/30/15 02:38:55AM
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Ah! cool!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
7,799 posts
Its not the source code. If I save the code where it is visible, then load that, the issue is not there. Guessing its some javascript somewhere that targeting that block by mistake. Tricky issue.