user tip jamroom + cloudflare = zoooom

10 years ago
3,304 posts
i already had a dedicated server and did alot of speed tweaking by reducing front page content (also seo boost) adding varnish and mod_pagespeed
but then i added cloudslare (went with pro but free is good enough)
now in the past on ning cloudflare was anightmare, but on jamroom it seems to work wonderfully and fast as can be!
even rocketloader on auto works great! on ning that screwed my site up bad

important notes, cloudflare has a 100 mb upload limit to get past that create a page rule **/create set that to bipass cache then it uses the servers upload limits

a little history on my site on ning it loaded in 6 sec at its fastest average was closer to 16 and often the servers acted up and 60-160 sec loads were not uncommon

fastest i ever got it was 5-6 sec
on jr the slowest was 4 sec aboutbutwith speed tweaking and then cloudflare its now at 1.4 sec 1st view 0.47 sec repeat view

aparently googles liking my site so much faster as the serps are going yup slowly, but whats more important,since i spend so much on my server is my ads rpm is 4 times higher today! if that trend continues the extra expense for a dedicated server will pay for itself without much trafic increase

i always hated cloudflare in the past, on ning anyway but now on jr im very impressed with the performance gains

the free vs pro cloudlare doesnt have too much diferences except in support, free support can take 8 days, pro you should get 24 hour priority support
i think there maybe 1 or 2 other services that arent available on the free accounts, but you can always try free then upgrade (or revert back to not using it) easily..

if it didnt work so well on jr id never recomend it but on jr it just works right and provides a more then significant speed increase that your users will love

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 08/06/15 08:49:51AM
10 years ago
212 posts
How did you set up yours? Was it easy ? I want one for my site as well
10 years ago
3,304 posts
very easy, import your dns zone files, verify everythings there and the same as your old dns zone files, enable cloudfklare on the dns records u want aka a record www cname and any other subdomains u want
set caching and other variables ..real simple to do then change your dns name servers thats it

rocket loader gave me trouble on other sites but now it works extremely well though test it
if it worksit drasticly increases spead

create page rules 1 thats vital is *.yourdomain/*/create
set that tobypass cache
without that your screwed and have a 100 mb upload limit no matter what yoir site upload limit is
i created a few page rules for custom caching and security
i have a datinfg subdomain wich is spam central i increased security to high and have no more spam

rocketloader if it works on yoirsite drasticly speeds up loading

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
3,304 posts
ps i did get a pro account asthe free account has a very slow supportresponce

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
