Jplayer Android fix (Music wont play)

12 years ago
200 posts

I read that jamroom uses jplayer ? If not what player is used? If it is jplayer I've looked into the issue with the html5 player not playing music on my android phone and i've found this is there away to get it working with that guide ?? Please I've got to have my website playing on mobile phones and it seems that player on the website works fine on my mobile phone but not my jamroom website.
updated by @kayskeem: 01/04/14 03:10:12PM
12 years ago
10,148 posts
I have no problem on Android here - what version of Android are you using?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
7,750 posts
Yes jplayer is the default player.

If that fixes something (cant check, dont have a smartphone sorry.) then its a good thing to have.

Opened a ticket for it here:
12 years ago
200 posts
thanks Michael and Brian its 4.3.
