Is there any way of changing how to add images into forum replies ?

John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
Not sure if this is possible but when you add a reply to a forum post and want to add an image you first have to post the reply then go back into it again using update then choose the Select file option to add it. A lot of messing about so is there a way to have that select file option showing when you add the initial reply instead of having to post then update it again ?
updated by @john-bizley: 07/14/15 11:57:31PM
10 years ago
7,799 posts
Yes there is, but its not a better process than what we have right now.

When you 'create' a new forum post, your doing it from a form page. (one of the pages that the Form Designer can add to). Because its on a form page, all of the power of jamroom is there waiting to be used.

But when you 'comment' or 'reply' to a form post your doing that from the display section of the system. (the part that is cached and customizable via the TEMPLATE editor).

When you go back and 'update' a forum post, then your in the form section again.

The upload facility is available in the form section because its ready and waiting to accept/change data.

If we were to change the forum post system to replying into the same section as the create is done (in the form section) then uploads would be able to happen when replying.

The down side of this would be that you dont have the full forum to read right above where you're doing the replying, so it feels weird.

So right now that's the limitation and the reason the forums work like they do. While im writing THIS reply this reply has not yet gone into the datastore, so has no id to attach the file to.
10 years ago
7,799 posts
Think I might have a way to get this done in one go. Just get the others OK on it before release.
10 years ago
3,605 posts
Isn't this all taken care of by using the two modules "editor embedded media" in conjunction with "editor image upload" ? With those two modules activated, I have no trouble embedding images, site videos, and other files into forum posts as i create the posts. I can upload new images from there to embed in the post as well. I dont have to go back again to add files or images.

Am I missing something?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
Isn't this all taken care of by using the two modules "editor embedded media" in conjunction with "editor image upload" ? With those two modules activated, I have no trouble embedding images, site videos, and other files into forum posts as i create the posts. I can upload new images from there to embed in the post as well. I dont have to go back again to add files or images.

Am I missing something?

Strumelia it's about adding images into a reply in a forum like here. So if I wanted to add an image for something into this post I would first have to post the response then go back and update it to add the image rather than doing it all at the same time.
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
Think I might have a way to get this done in one go. Just get the others OK on it before release.

Thanks Michael, I understand what you said in the previous reply so am pleased you may have a way to do it. Look forward to what you come up with. :-)
10 years ago
3,605 posts
John Bizley:
Strumelia it's about adding images into a reply in a forum like here. So if I wanted to add an image for something into this post I would first have to post the response then go back and update it to add the image rather than doing it all at the same time.

I thought the JR team only set it that way purposely here to prevent everyone from posting bunches of goofy joke images here in the support forums. ? Ah well, I don't get it. thanks!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
7,799 posts
@strumelia, John wants a button next to "Post Response" or "BBCode Help" that reads something like "Attach Files".

I've got that working, but just for jrForums, going to see if we can get it working for 'anywhere' so hold on for a bit.
