I've started learning Java

10 years ago
40 posts
I've applied to start an MSc course in computing science in September over 2 years part-time and have started learning Java to get ahead of the learning as the course looks really intensive. My math is a bit rusty so I'm struggling a bit with that (I've worked for 20 years in social work and social care give or take a few years developing websites for an university and the odd bit of freelance here and there) but thankfully Google is my friend. My new code blog is at :


When i get a bit further down the line I might have a crack at writing a module for JamRoom. (and perhaps i can earn a bit more after so i can afford to keep a site open than longer than a few months lol)


updated by @mscorfield: 06/29/15 05:49:49PM
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Good luck Mark. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
7,790 posts
I've always wanted to learn java, but have never found a project that fitted.

One thing you probably already know, but just to point out that 'java' is a totally different language than 'javascript'.

We use javascript here on jamroom a lot, and its useful on the web. Java however needs a different server to run it an is not such a popular language for writing web applications in.

If you're wanting to learn web development techniques then I recommend the O'Reilly publishing company. They write excellent books that get you going.

This is O'Reilly's book on PHP:

and they have a few on java too:

I like their normal series of books, so for my learning style it would be the "learning java" rather than their 'Head First' series. Their normal series fits with the way I like to learn "Just tell me what I need to know so I can get started."

Their 'Head First' series is more of an "Lets look at the same thing many times via different cartoons and quizes". Im not a fan of that type of teaching.

Good luck with whatever you decide to learn.

Java is a great lanugage to let you write software that works on Linux, Mac and Windows with the same code base. PhpStorm (the IDE I use) is written in Java.
updated by @michael: 05/28/15 06:52:02PM
10 years ago
40 posts
Thanks Strumella and Michael - I appreciate the encouragement and advice. I'm just going to potter on with the one book at the moment , I'm on page 41 of "Big Java" only another 960 pages to go lol - There's plenty of time to learn a bit more PHP later. (Assuming i get a place and funding that is)


