About using jamroom-4.1.9 - 4.1.9 skin packs and the old flash player modules

10 years ago
78 posts
Hi Friends - - I wanted to recreate how my old website was with the (jamroom-4.1.9 - jamroom skin pack -4.1.9 - & the N8Flash_Audio-M1_Dark_Master_Kit_1.6.1 modules )

I really like how it was with the old Flashback theme - and the flash media players-

Can I re-install this pack and then pay to get it up to dated with the Jr5 market place products - so i can add some things from the market place - without messing up the style of the old flashback look and everything else ?

updated by @cadberry: 06/16/15 07:01:21AM
10 years ago
7,789 posts
Thats not going to work. JR5 modules will not work on JR4.

Flashback is on JR5 as a JR5 skin:

If you want to run JR4 then make sure you have your own server and dont upgrade PHP past version 5.2. Thats where development stopped on JR4. There are knowin issues that occur if you use PHP 5.3 and newer.
10 years ago
78 posts
Ok- what about the service (Jamroom 4 To 5 Import - Up To 5 Gigs ) for 39.00$

The Flashback theme looks the same , but the artist page was set up much easier to navigate , for video's ,audio's,photo's and to purchase products -

only problem I had was the video counter for the video flash player -

my site was deleted because I got into some money trouble - so I would really like to have it like it was ...

-Is there away were I can make the Jr5 Flashback just like the Jr4 ?

- The (Buy Now Button) and about 2 more market place products - is all I need
10 years ago
4,335 posts
So does your JR4 site still exists? (you said it was deleted). Can't import from 4 to 5 without the 4 site !!
All JR5 skins can be customised, the same as the could with JR4, by modifying templates. Can you be more specific about the 'Buy Now' button and '2 more marketplace products'? Show us on the JR4 site (if it exists ;-) )

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
78 posts
Hi Friends - My site was deleted in 2013 -I am planing on uploading the Jr4 script that I have - 4.1.9 to remake my website exactly how it was before deletion - also with the N8flash player for the video's & audio's -

for purchasing products Jr4 payment system was taking a percentage of sales and then would payout the rest threw paypal micro payment - This time I would like to use the (Buy Now button ) so payment goes directly to the sellers -

I know I can modify the template, but I'm not sure if I would be able to use the Flash players ? N8flash

So Basically I would like it to look the same as last time but be able to import from the Jr5 market place ? How the artist page looks - photo section , events , merchandise , member search etc ...
10 years ago
2,800 posts
If you have a working JR4 site, it can be imported into a JR5 site, however none of the JR4 players, modules or skins will work with JR5, they are not compatible with each other.

If your site was deleted, why not just start fresh with a JR5 site?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
78 posts
Hi Friends - Thanks - the reason why I haven't started fresh with Jr5 , because the artist page , and a lot of other thing want look the same - I really like that set up much better .

I have a vps server that i can use to upload the Jr4 with the old modules so you all can see what I'm talking about -( keep this post open for about another week or until i let you know it's up for viewing )-
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Just an FYI that we no longer support JR4 and won't be able to assist if you run into issues...

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
