There's no need to modify any module - the Players in Jamroom 5 are super flexible and are all template and CSS based - all you need to do is pass in the template name - i.e.:
{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" item=$item}
So in this case, "jrAudio_player_dark" lines up with jrAudio/templates/jrAudio_player_dark.tpl, and it has been registered by the jrAudio module to be a media player skin (from jrAudio/include.php in the init() function):
This tells the Core "I have a media player skin called "jrAudio_player_dark" that can be used to play
audio, and it is part of the jrAudio module".
So you could easily create a custom module that registers as many different player skins as you want. You can use "audio", "video" or "mixed" for the type in the register call (with mixed being a player that can play both).
Hope this helps!
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
updated by @brian: 12/03/13 11:20:05AM