JR5 Jplayer and Youtube

12 years ago
195 posts
I remember asking about this a while ago.It was not possible then.I found this info which may be of interest:

"hi i have found this http://p-stevenson.com/free-stuff/jplayer.php where the owner managed to implement youtube video into jplayer. http://p-stevenson.com/free-stuff/demo/jplayer/youtube-custom.html
please note when you download the demo files there is a bug in the youtube player to fix it just go to http://p-stevenson.com/free-stuff/demo/jplayer/youtube-custom.html and copy the source and over ride the demo file for youtube and it will work."

updated by @johnchansa: 01/01/14 03:45:56AM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
There's likely hacks out there to get the YouTube file to play outside of the embeddable player, but they are a violation of YouTube's terms of service (see section 4C):


so it's not something we would ever add in as a feature.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 12/01/13 08:58:39AM
12 years ago
195 posts
Ok....I now understand.I actually thought that it was a new Jplayer feature.
