Song Uploads Errors

12 years ago
1,022 posts
I have had a few people mention this so I thought I would post. I am looking for any errors now but when people have uploaded songs, they are getting an error. I was thinking corrupted headers but I know there have been a lot of changes on the audio module.

Your error message says "incorrect format" but it is an mp3 extension?
updated by @dazed: 01/03/14 12:16:00AM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
I've not seen this before, but I'm guessing maybe if the upload is corrupted somehow during transfer this might come through. Does it always happen with specific MP3 files?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
1,022 posts
they have all been mp3's but I have never seen an error message in the logs and I have not been able to duplicate. I asked them to send me the mp3 and I will see what happens. Typically they load fine for me which would point to something with permissions but that does not make sense.
12 years ago
10,149 posts
they have all been mp3's but I have never seen an error message in the logs and I have not been able to duplicate. I asked them to send me the mp3 and I will see what happens. Typically they load fine for me which would point to something with permissions but that does not make sense.

I doubt it has anything to do with permissions - most likely it's a "hiccup" in the upload and the file ends up not uploading right. If you can reproduce it with a file though, let me know and I can see what's up.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
1,022 posts
XP and IE8. If I can fire up a vm I will test it but I think these guys need to start upgrading hehe. I usually test the browsers current version minus one.
updated by @dazed: 11/30/13 06:08:16PM
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
12 years ago
566 posts
I have also had the issue happen where at my house. I can not upload mp3 audio files.

I brought this up in beta here:

I don't think its a problem with browsers, firewalls, configuration, or Jamroom to be honest. It seems like it all points to some internet providers like Jamroom and some are not configured to allow you to upload to Jamroom. Funny thing is I can upload to soundcloud fine from my house. But I am unable to upload using any upload script on my websites. So I don't think its a Jamroom issue. The solution will be figuring out why certain internet providers are blocking uploads to websites.
updated by @developer-networks: 12/01/13 11:35:23AM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
Could be that your static IP was being routed differently, and was encountering packet loss along a different route to the JR server.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
12 years ago
566 posts
Yea, I agree... I recently just had to turn back on my static ip address to provide a developer a box. But it blew up so I gave him one of my rented ones. So now I will drop back to a dynamic ip again. Currently I can not upload audio to any of my Jamroom sites. (I have to have someone log in and upload from their house) So when it switches back Monday to a dynamic address ill let you folks know if I can upload after the routing is finished reverting to dynamic.

*At least hopefully ill be closer to understanding this issue.
updated by @developer-networks: 12/01/13 11:43:03AM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
That is really weird - I had a static IP here for many years and never have had any issues.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
12 years ago
566 posts
It is very odd. My girlfriend is using the same router I have. And she is also using a static ip address. But she lives in the area of a different provider here. She has zero problems uploading to the sites. It all points to my internet provider and something in their setup im sure.
12 years ago
10,149 posts
Is it only uploading MP3 files or photos as well? I wonder if there is some type of media blocker trying to prevent people from "sharing" mp3 files. I wouldn't put it past internet providers to do something stupid like that.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
12 years ago
566 posts
Its not working with the multiple .wav and .mp3 in the audio uploads in Jamroom.

- I was able to upload a single 39mb .wav song fine just now.

- Failed at 91% for a single 5mb .mp3

- Failed with 5 .wav files creating an album

- I am able to upload photos fine.

* I haven't looked in to this part yet but when does it start to transcode the upload?

Ive done some work this morning on this...

So for some reason me having selected in jrAudio to convert audio to [320 mp3] sample rate is failing the uploads.

So I selected default which is [128 mp3] for transcoding and did an integrity check.. Now I can upload multiple files fine again only one failed so I went in and tried a 12 song .wav list and it failed.

So I went in to do another integrity check and got this error

Quote: An error was encountered communicating with the server: parsererror: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character

* And ran the integrity check again and it completed fine.

- So went in and tried uploading multiple mp3 files.

** completed fine but song 2 hangs and had to be canceled. then it uploaded the album fine.

With out looking in to the process I would assume what is happening here is as soon as I start and upload eventually it also starts transcoding it to the site format during the upload process. so [mp3 128] which for some reason is failing uploads for me. If this is right...

shouldn't it 100% upload the file.

Then process the file conversion for it 100%.

Completing the upload?

Is it possible my transcoding conversion is catching up with the uploading and halting the process?

I notice that after clicking on creating the album it does say transcoding and the album will be playable soon as its finished.

But I think im on track to finding out whats going on here.

If you look at how soundcloud does this process it uploads the file 100% which is the first 50% of your uploading process and then converts it to the site format 100% thus completing the upload of a song.

Hope this helps.

updated by @developer-networks: 12/02/13 12:22:11AM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
With out looking in to the process I would assume what is happening here is as soon as I start and upload eventually it also starts transcoding it to the site format during the upload process. so [mp3 128] which for some reason is failing uploads for me. If this is right...

That's not actually how it works - all your uploads are uploaded first, then after they are all uploaded they are "created" in the system. After they are created, "queue entries" are created for conversion of the files, and the the process completes. The next process that comes along after you are done "kicks off" the queue entries in the conversion queue and the songs are converted.

They are never converted on upload like they were in JR4.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
12 years ago
566 posts
Heres a video showing whats going on.

This shows that my internet provider is allowing me to upload.

Also i uploaded this youtube video from my house.

This would be very hard to diagnose as if you logged in to my site you would be able to upload.

So this is showing certian people or members will face this issue. They will not be able to upload to their accounts.

The slow uploading is not from my connection as the server is sitting on a gigabit line and my internet here is 50mb down 10 mb up

updated by @developer-networks: 12/02/13 06:46:09AM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
That really makes me think it is network - the only time I've seen it work in "spurts" like that is when I've been on a crappy 3G connection.

The other possibility is that your server has Apache rlimits (resource limits) in place - do you see any message that effect in the System Check?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
12 years ago
566 posts
* see above for my network settings
syscheck.jpg  •  208KB

updated by @developer-networks: 12/02/13 06:54:30AM
12 years ago
10,149 posts
I really have nothing that I can recommend, but am fairly certain this is not a Jamroom issue, and that from time to time you will most certainly have users that will be either on computers or internet connections where they may either have trouble uploading, or may not be able to upload at all.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
12 years ago
566 posts
Ive just uploaded my own audio script to the server and it hangs.

So im going to call the internet company and remove the static address here and see if i can resolve this with a dynamic address. It really dosent appear this is Jamrooms fault but my provider is somehow blocking uploads.

I will update this if i can have my provider resolve this.
updated by @developer-networks: 12/02/13 07:30:06AM