Another (old) SiteBuilder page only visible to admin

10 years ago
301 posts
I have the recurrence of a problem I had with my Home page, that Michael admirably sorted out for me - a new page I've created can only be seen by the admin. I'm going to hang fire on all other site building activities until new SiteBuilder is 100% compatible, but in the meantime, I could really do with this one page working...

The page is at - I am really unsure as to what happens for this only to occur to the odd page.
updated by @iamtimbo: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Looking at your database, that panel has these details:
192	_created	0	1429291112
192	_updated	0	1429302266
192	_user_id	0	1
192	panel_name	0	nearme
192	_profile_id	0	10
192	panel_template	0	6-6

For some reason while all the _profile_id's of pages like are _profile_id = 1

I think thats related.

The admin's profile id changes to the profile he's looking at, so what I think has happened is you've gone to a different profile as the admin, then come back and created the page. The profile id is set to the profile you just visited.

I think changing that _profile_id to 1 might sort it out. I'm reluctant to release a fix for it in case there are other stuff in my version of the old module that's being replaced. (dont want to introduce new issues into a module thats due to be phased out.)

Could you try:
delete the page, visit your home profile of the admin, come back and create the page again.

I think that should fix it. Let me know
10 years ago
301 posts
I understand not wanting to make any changes to the 'old' module, I'm going to wait to make most of my updates until it's fully deployed.

It's just this page that I'm after getting going - Your explanation made sense, although I have just tried doing that, and got the same result. I can't see where you're seeing that data - are you somewhere 'special'?!
10 years ago
301 posts
Don't worry - got round it, I think!
10 years ago
7,791 posts
somewhere special? sort of. I'm looking in the database. You can get there by going to:

Thats all the data for your site.

To see the panels info above, in the box on the left type 'panel' to filter ALL the tables down to just the ones we're interested in.

Then click on the little icon next to jr_jrpanel_item_key to see the data.

We want to see the newest pages, so above _item_id column, click the little down arrow to get the newest up first.

That should show you what i pasted above.

Yeah, looks like /nearme is back to profile_id 1 seams like that is the issue then.
10 years ago
301 posts
This time round I deleted the page again in Panel Browser, and this time ensured I created it via the Menu builder, and the. Went and edited it. I can't recall how I did it before, but there's a chance that first time round I just went to the page - which is then created - and edited it like that. Can't remember, but it works now!

Thanks for the database info - hadn't thought about going at it that way round - had just seen the panel browser in the Panels Tools tab, and not been able to see a database browser. Slowly slowly.....! :)
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Theres a bunch of ways you could approach any problem from. Just got to find ways you enjoy using. And when you get stuck as in the forums for other options. :)
10 years ago
1,353 posts
I have noticed on my end early on if I just typed in the url of the page in the address abr- then used site builder to make the page-it would only be visible to logged in admin.

To fix this I did what you described above and recreated the page using the menu...then it shows up...

The problem with using page creator to make pages in the old system was no access to widgets ( if I recall correctly) AND no access to template CODE...In testing the new site builder awhile back briefly I typed in a url in the address bar- then created a page from there-BUT this time it showed up to everyone besides just logged in admins...might look into that method when you switch to the new builder...
Just my experience