user tip Tip background main site

10 years ago
46 posts
To insert an image in the background of the main site, just follow these steps.
1- Create an image these dimensions: 1920L x 1200H

2-Name the picture "wood" in jpeg without the quotes

3-Go on your server and follow this path: skin / jrGenosis / img / wood, and rename the image on the server in Wood1

4-Send your picture wood with a ftp software on this path: skin / jrGenosis / img /

5-Go to the path of your server: skin / jrGenosis / css / html.css

6-Find: html {
background: transparent url ("{$ jamroom_url /skins/jrGenosis/img/wood.jpg}");
background-attachment: fixed;

7-Delete: background-attachment: fixed; and paste: background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover;

8-You should have this complete command:
html {
background: transparent url ("{$ jamroom_url /skins/jrGenosis/img/wood.jpg}");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover;

It is complete, you now have a background image that fits all screen resolution. :-)

Do not forget to do the same with: mobile_core.css
updated by @silverwolf: 05/22/15 11:53:34AM
