I'm a n00b, and need some help with basic instllation questions..

10 years ago
4 posts
Hi Jamroom community - excited to be building a site using the Jamroom system/framework, my goal is to build a mobile-oreintated music platform..

I'm currently struggling, and after 3-4hrs of googling and searching forums etc, I'm resorting to posting here to ask for help, I hope you can..

So here's my issue; I've used a 1-click install method to install Jamroom to my domain, looking at my control panel with the hosting provider, looking in the file directories I can see that Jamroom has successfully installed.

However everytime I try to log in, using the URL and details emailed to me by the installation wizard, I am taken to the standard hosting providers landing page for sites that are not live, trying to sell me a site builder etc..

I've registered the domain and have hosting with NAMES.CO.UK

I have Linux/Apache Server enables
PHP 5.6

I'm sure I'm being dumb, if someone can point out where/how that would very helpful.

updated by @leezyme: 05/22/15 11:33:20AM
10 years ago
7,793 posts
Hi Lee,

Welcome to the forums. :)

As I understand it, you can see the site is live, but you cant log in.

Try to create an account. After jamroom is installed, the first account you create becomes the 'admin' level user.

Try signing up to your system and see if you can then login with those details.
10 years ago
4 posts
Hi Michael,

Thank you!

What do you mena by 'live'?

Nothing has been created, uploaded etc.. other than the Jamroom CMS application.

When I look at the file directory on the control panel of for the hosting company (names.co.uk) I can see the Jamroom application has been installed - but after being sent an automatic email with login instructions, URL, password and other gubbins - the link I was sent ( http://entzyme.com/jamroom/user/login) always makes a pag try to load then switch to the hosting providers sales page trying to pimp a Sitebuilder app onto me..

I've not built a site, yet... I want to use Jamroom to do that - so just have a domain + hosting, servers etc..
10 years ago
4 posts
So what I am saying is I cannot create an account, because the login section doesnt even appear
10 years ago
7,793 posts
What I meant by 'live' is, is there a URL on line where you can look at the site.

For example, this site is 'live' at https://www.jamroom.net because you can go to that URL and see the website.

Do you have a URL live for your site?
10 years ago
4,335 posts
http://entzyme.com/jamroom takes me to http://www.names.co.uk/create-a-website/cloudsite as well.

Have you set the domain DNS to point to your Jamroom server? Do that and wait a few hours and all should be good. In the meantime check your email from the installation package (Softiculous?) - There might be a 'temporary URL' you can use to access the site whilst waiting for the DNS to propagate.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Hi Jamroom community - excited to be building a site using the Jamroom system/framework, my goal is to build a mobile-oreintated music platform..

I'm currently struggling, and after 3-4hrs of googling and searching forums etc, I'm resorting to posting here to ask for help, I hope you can..

So here's my issue; I've used a 1-click install method to install Jamroom to my domain, looking at my control panel with the hosting provider, looking in the file directories I can see that Jamroom has successfully installed.

However everytime I try to log in, using the URL and details emailed to me by the installation wizard, I am taken to the standard hosting providers landing page for sites that are not live, trying to sell me a site builder etc..

I've registered the domain and have hosting with NAMES.CO.UK

I have Linux/Apache Server enables
PHP 5.6

I'm sure I'm being dumb, if someone can point out where/how that would very helpful.


Hi Lee - welcome to the forums!

I've actually seen this before on a Scriptaculous install - here's what to check:

1) Make sure in the Jamroom directory you do NOT have an index.php / index.html /index.htm /default.htm file - if you do, remove it.

2) If that still does not work, contact your hosting provider - some of them have a system in place where if it does not see an "index" file it injects it's own - and Jamroom uses a special rule in the .htaccess file as it's index.

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
