Removing Timeline From Profiles Replacing with Comments

10 years ago
1,353 posts
I would like to remove the Timeline altogether from profiles ( see attached)
and replace it with a comment box/comment wall on the user profiles
When a user leaves a comment for the profile owner I would like it to send an email message telling the profile owner he has a new comment...

Can this be done in templates or will it require a module?

Just curious

Capture.JPG.jpg  •  29KB

updated by @derrickhand300: 05/23/15 08:39:31AM
10 years ago
10,148 posts
This should be doable by just modifying the profile_index.tpl file in your skin - i.e. here's the one from Elastic:

<div class="col9 last">
    {jrCore_include module="jrAction" template="item_index.tpl"}
    {jrComment_form module="jrProfile" profile_id=$_profile_id item_id=$_item_id}

Change it to:

<div class="col9 last">
    {jrComment_form module="jrProfile" profile_id=$_profile_id item_id=$_item_id}

See how I just removed the call to the Action (which is the Activity Timeline module) index?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 04/19/15 08:45:39AM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Yes thank you! will work on it this evening and let you know how it goes
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Hey Brian this works great and now I have a dozen uses for it-Thanks for sharing it with me! :)
One more question....the comments are showing ABOVE the Text Editor box- and I wish for them to show BELOW the text editor box- for instance above the text editor box I have written

Leave A Comment For {$profile_url} 

I would like this to ALWAYS display at the top and the comment text editor directly below it- THEN the string of comments..
10 years ago
114 posts
@derrickhand300 I could be interested in this. Is a timeline more of a place where one's posts and his friends posts and such show up, but the comment wall is as described?
10 years ago
1,353 posts
well not really sure-what I am replacing is the TIMELINE box on profiles that allows the member to post updates from his profile...for me I really dont like it and prefer the "leave A Comment" idea on the members profile so if you are looking at someones profile and want to say something to them you cqan do it with a comment on their profile- then it will notify them that they have a comment and hopefully bring them to the site
As far as the activity feed timeline/post to your activity feed thingy thats there now- well I figure its for stuff like " I had green eggs and ham for breakfast"...which none of us really care about

I am sure its useful to some sites but on my all it seems to be used for is "Hey I need a job- hire me" posts and I dont really need them showing up all over my homepage timeline activity thingy...hehehe...Im still confused on this and trying to sort it out on the run here.

The problem I am having with the above code is that it puts a nice comment box on MY profile...BUT the comment box does not appear on anyone else profile....but then my template code is different than Elastic so im working it out
10 years ago
1,353 posts
I am thinking my particular problem is that I need to disable the timeline on the profile THEN add the code snippet Brian gave me in a different " higer level" profile template so it shows on ALL the members different profile pages and not just on his TIMELINE page
10 years ago
10,148 posts
@derrickhand300 I could be interested in this. Is a timeline more of a place where one's posts and his friends posts and such show up, but the comment wall is as described?

A comment wall is just a wall of comments. Think of the user's timeline like a twitter feed - it contains entries for the user's activity on the system.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
10,148 posts
I am sure its useful to some sites but on my all it seems to be used for is "Hey I need a job- hire me" posts and I dont really need them showing up all over my homepage timeline activity thingy...hehehe...Im still confused on this and trying to sort it out on the run here.

Just to be sure you understand how the Timeline works:

1) When viewing your OWN profile you will see your updates + updates for all other users that you follow

2) When another user views YOUR timeline, all they see is YOUR updates - they don't see the updates of users you follow.

So timeline entries for job wanted are only going to be visible to YOU and users if they view the actual profile page for the user that posted it.

You may already know that, just wanted to be sure :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
