For the profile module, the default fields are profile_image and profile_name. Only the latter has searchable text, so what counts for the default, site-wide jr search is the profile_name field (I presume).
Actually the default is just the profile_name field.
To build a search box that digs into new fields added to a profile form, does it matter if the added profile fields are in the Create section or Settings section? I presume all that matters is the label given to the form field.
All you have to do is put in the FIELD name you created when creating your custom form (i.e. "profile_interests") and it will be included in searches.
Why is the Settings section called Settings and not Update?
Settings describes what the user is viewing - "Update" is ambiguous and an adjective so (IMO) would not be a good choice when a user wants to just view (and not update) their settings. "Save Changes" is the action the user would perform in the Settings section.
In the profile form design tool, it seems that new Create fields cannot be automatically added to the Settings fields, but we can give them the same name manually.... e.g. profile_country. But then the way profile_country is set up in the Create section may be different than the way it is set up in the Settings section, so the search system may not be seeing the same data each time. Does the Settings section overwrite the Create section in the same way as an Update form?
If they are named the same they will BE the same field and contain the same info. When the user views their profile settings and updates the field, if the field name is the same as on the create form, then it will update that existing field.
Note that only ADMIN USERS see the "create" form (since normal users will create their profile as part of the signup) so you'll likely only want to customize the settings form.
Is the "Settings" section effectively the same thing as an "Update" section, but without the option of automatically synchronising the two sections?
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
updated by @brian: 04/19/15 07:22:51AM