solved Private Events Become Public Events Post-Migration

10 years ago
41 posts
In NING, when we create events, the creator has the ability to set the privacy function for their event:

Public: Anyone can RSVP and see event details
Private: Only invited people can RSVP and see event details

In JamRoom, it appears that all events must be public.

This creates a significant issue for NING-to-Jamroom imports, as all events migrate into the environment as public. This means events that were set to private can now be seen by all members, including their comments.

As the site admin, is there a way to add the private function to events?

If not, adding this functionality would be real value-added for the platform.

updated by @asil: 05/21/15 01:01:47PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
In the Ning archive there is no indication of whether an event was set as private or public, so I guess that this is another piece of data that Ning neglects when building their archive!!

However, the functionality can easily be added to Jamroom Events using the Form Designer. Just create an 'event_private' checkbox field for both the event create and update forms, then in any templates that publically list events, add a search parameter to the jrCore_list function - search="event_private != on"


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
41 posts
paul:In the Ning archive there is no indication of whether an event was set as private or public, so I guess that this is another piece of data that Ning neglects when building their archive!!

That is so like NING. *sighs* Thanks for explaining why this is happening and for the instruction as to how to create private events in JamRoom.
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Just want to get this straight though- when it comes to GROUPS...the groups in our Ning networks that are set to Private- they will come through the archive and import still as PRIVATE, correct? Need to know this before my moderator group gets 'outed' in the migration. =8-*
(still planning to strip out as much as I can beforehand, just in case though)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015