ive heard conflicting info on the proper way to update
originaly i would
clone the updated version upload my images my custiom templates my custom css thendo a compare on all the templates i edited in the template editor then mark acrtive
i was told then that theres no reason to do that, instead just do a compare on the templates to thenew version
the php files dont update that way the version number doesnt update etc
so i tried going back to my old way cloning to a new skin but it wont accept the uploaded images it keeps saying they have errors
so what is the proper way to update a skin and ensure all files are updated corectly
edit i now realize the issues with all custom skin images that were uploaded in the past as well as ones im trying to upload now
none are working corecttly
i have to assule a permission was changed on a folder
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 05/03/15 10:42:14AM