Something To consider when leaving Ning

10 years ago
1,353 posts
When I went live with my JR site and changed the URL from ning- I didnt realize at the time that this would cut off my acess to my Ning accout-when i wanted to shut off the billing with Ning there was no way to do it within the Ning platform-My work around was to go into Paypal and suspend my subscription payment to Ning for $59.95/month

When the billing cycle came due I got a notice from Ning telling me billing failed- I wrote them right back and told them I had moved the site and this apparently stopped me from notifying them of the change. Keep in mind they bill BEFORE the month you use not after...

Anyway- I received a reply from Ning stating that I needed to read their terms of service and that I was fully responsible for the $59.95 I had not even used..

Long story short I replied to them and told them they needed to read MY terms of service " which involved some F-BOMBS which I seldom lower myself to :) and I explained to Ning MY terms of service involved not paying a lying/scamming platform that spent years making promises about HOW I OWN MY WEBSITE and about their broken promises/lies concerning 3.0 and all that....told them it would be acold day in a southern location before they saw another dime from me!

Lol...they replied ( and to their credit) that they were going to grant me a 1 time pardon on this $59.95 bill...

Anyway back to the topic- remember to take care of business over in your Ning account before moving the URL
updated by @derrickhand300: 05/04/15 04:31:23PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
I have a similar story.
When starting the N2JR project I signed up with them as they offered a two week free trial. After a week I cancelled my subscription, told them that 'Ning wasn't for me' and thought that was that. Not so. A few weeks later I start getting emails demanding $100s for an annual subscription that I was apparantly liable for. Naturally I argue the toss saying that this was not my definition of a two week free trial. Long story short, they eventially also grant me a 'one time pardon'!!

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
1,353 posts
hehehe...nature of the beast!
10 years ago
3,603 posts
OMG Ning just S.U.X.

Good advice Curtis, thanks.

If you have been watching their FB page, it's been LOADED with people unfairly having their credit cards or debit cards charged in totally outrageous ways like Paul detailed. It's a wonder Ning has not been shut down for illegal practices yet.
I'm real glad I set up my ning to get billed through my Paypal and that I never gave them my credit card info or bank info. Ning has actually been helping themselves to people's bank accounts without asking!

Don't forget to also CANCEL your (free) Sandbox 3.0 sites if you have any.

I'll actually be shutting my ning down only after my JR site is live and doing fine for a month or two....just in case I need to get or see anything after the fact.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Thanks for the heads up on this Curtis!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Hello Strumella
My issue was actually that when I changed the domain listing to JR server- i could no longer access my Ning control Panel because when i went to it displayed my jr site and no way for me to get back into control panel
You may have created some other sort of link or have a work around for this but my intention was like yours-go live on JR but keep my Ning console
BUT the console disappeared when I went live to JR
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Hello Curtis
Yes I understand Curtis. That happened when I moved my site from arvixe server to JR server...using the same domain.
That's because you kept the same domain, right? My case is a bit diff I guess cause I'm using a new domain than my ning site.
But still...the lesson here is to keep your hand on your wallet when Ning is sniffing around your accounts! Think I'll put a mousetrap in my pocket too. ;)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Yeah Ok...still trying to understand because my site was built on 3 different servers using 3 different domain names to get here...actually more that thas- Arvixe-Rose Hosting_ Linode then finally here to JR Hosting
Just so I understand is your live JR site going to have a different url than your live Ning site?
If its the SAME URL as your ning site- will you transfer your Ning site to a new domain name to keep it BEFORE you make the JR hosting the live site?

If your site is and its hosted on ning right now- when you move the domain/hosting to jamroom-then when you go to you will see the jamroom will you SEE the nin version of so you can get to your control panel?

Sorry just having problems wrapping my brain around this and understanding what I could have done differently... all I can come up with is I could have kept the A Record pointing to and reached it that way
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Curtis, no I have a whole new domain name. My ning site always kept the ning part of its URL
as for example Then I built a JR site on arvixe and used a whole new domain say for example Then I transferred that same site to the JR server from arvixe...but I had to first secure the domain back from arvixe (they didn't make it difficult or expensive) and put it under my own name and register it myself. Then I pointed the domain to the JR server instead of the arvixe server.
Because ning doesn't give you access to the server, but arvixe and JR's more difficult with ning.
My arvixe account is about to expire soon, but since i've already pointed the domain to the JR site, when i go to I see my JR site, NOT the old arvixe site. However, since my account is still paid up, I can still access my arvixe CP and server. I went in there and deleted everything the other day. I wouldn't be able to access my arvixe CP if my account were not still being paid.

Not sure if I answered what you neeeded to know?
Yes my JR site has a whole diff domain name, a new one that's totally diff from my ning site.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Yes thanks! My domains are all hosted at Godaddy so access has never been an issue I have experienced-I went through 4 domain names moving from server to server
All while I was working on my DrillingAhead site which was live on Ning. My Ning domain has always been a paid one so I never used the which I think is our difference.
I did see this in the domain settings and I wonder had I left it alone ( instead of removing it- then in hindsight I think I could have still logged into my ning platform even while live on JR
Makes sense- thanks
10 years ago
435 posts
Thanks Curtis!
Had I not been snooping around the forum trying to solve a problem I would have totally missed this. That is really low. The only thing I ever ran into worse was They are still holding my two week trial group hostage trying to sell it.... and it's been 4 years now!
