Ive been stuck on this for 5 hours so far, gonna ask for help at this point.
From other topics Ive been able to piece together code that should work, but it's missing something.
Ive confirmed this will list out songs Liked by admin (user id 1) if i specify the user ID
{jrCore_list module="jrLike" search1="like_module = jrAudio" search2="like_action = like" template="wishlist_row.tpl" search3="_user_id = 1" }
When i attempt to make it dynamic for currently logged in user though, it doesnt work. Here is the code so far, with search3 being the problem:
{jrCore_list module="jrLike" search1="like_module = jrAudio" search2="like_action = like" template="wishlist_row.tpl" search3="_user_id = '$_user._user_id'" }
I'm wondering if im supposed to assign something in order to search for it? Ive also confirmed that correct user_id is there, just by printing to screen {$_user._user_id}
The next issue is that when it does list out the songs that are liked, its disconnected from the add to cart button. I realize this is another issue entirely though and will deal with it later. Heres the cart code in wishlist_row.tpl just for reference. Thanks so much.
{jrCore_module_function function="jrFoxyCart_add_to_cart" module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" item=$item}
updated by @covertlogic: 05/18/15 02:22:20PM