completed Events Listing the wrong way round again in Ningja

John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
Just come back onto my site to check a few things out and it seems the events listing in the Ningja skin, not checked the others yet, has gone back to listing the latest event added last instead of at the top. This was fixed a while back so something added has reverted it back ot the old way, I have not added anything myself so maybe it was in one of the updates ?

Here is a link to my profile and if you look at that events list the one with the Winston picture is the one I just added to test, take a look at the event dates and you will see them listing in the wrong order.
updated by @john-bizley: 05/05/15 03:58:51PM
10 years ago
3,603 posts
FWIW, my (Ningja skin) site is listing the events in the correct order- but note that the 'correct order' I believe should be when the event OCCURS, not when the event was added. My mian page events module and my events page is listing all events with the ones at the top of the list being the ones that will occur soonest, and ones at the bottom are events that won't occur for a while yet (calendar-wise). I have kept up with all the module and skin updates.

John- what happens when you don't show PAST events? Would the COMING events show in the correct order? Try posting a couple of test events for the future and see how they display in order with other future events. I'm wondering if the 'past' events are the issue here.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 03/19/15 05:44:54PM
10 years ago
41 posts
I replicate this effect on my site also. [If JamRoom Support goes to the page, they will see its listing the oldest dates first.]

However, I think the issue may be with how the calendar is reporting the event. It appears be listing the events based on when they were created, not on the actual date of the event itself. Since the site was created off a data-dump, all the events were created on the same day and the earliest ones show up first.

As a test, I created some events on my testing account. I confirm this site is sorting them in the order I created them, not via the dates for the event itself.

As a site creator, I would like the default sort view for events to be most recent events at the top.
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Hmmm...wouldn't pretty much EVERYONE want events that are associated with a calendar to be listed in the order of which events are coming up soonest first, and events later down the road to be listed towards the bottom?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
41 posts
This effect has been reported before, see: ...the thread was marked "solved" in January.
10 years ago
3,603 posts
So you're saying it's not solved yet?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
2,800 posts
If you only want to see the up coming events, make sure you have the ACP > Skin Settings > Events > Show Past Events check box unchecked.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
41 posts
If you only want to see the up coming events, make sure you have the ACP > Skin Settings > Events > Show Past Events check box unchecked.

Thanks, Douglas. However, only showing coming events won't work for us. We need to be able to find past events too.

Someone has marked this thread as completed. However, the issue still exists on our site. Does someone have a fix for it?

I want to show all events (past, present, future) and to have them appear so the future events appear at the top of the page when the user is on the EVENT page for our site. [Using the NingJa skin, that page is http://[YOUR SITE NAME]]
10 years ago
10,149 posts
That is exactly how it should be working if you have the "show past events" checkbox checked. What skin are you testing on? Is it Ningja?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
41 posts
brian: What skin are you testing on? Is it Ningja?

Yes, NingJa. And, its running all the latest patches. Adding a screenshot of that page view.
updated by @asil: 04/04/15 02:40:26PM
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Yet, my events on Ningja are showing in the proper order.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
2,800 posts
If you want them to show in a different order, then you'll want to modify the skins/jrNingja/index.tpl and change the order_by on the jrCore_list functions.

This is the code to look for:
{if $_conf.jrNingja_past_events == 'on'}
    {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" order_by="event_date asc" limit=$event_pb template=$event_tpl assign="coming_events"}
    {jrCore_list module="jrEvent" search="event_date >= `$`" order_by="event_date asc" limit=$event_pb template=$event_tpl assign="coming_events"}

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
