Forum Categories

10 years ago
114 posts
I have a question similar to this topic: but want to make sure I understand how to do it.

If I have

The topics for example could be:
(1) Illness and Parenting
(2) Illness and Marriage
(3) Illness and Careers

... and people would post their questions under the right category-- I don't understand the pages/profile relationship to the forums yet. Are there detailed instructions on this?

(Am a few hours from final download and will be ordering Ning to JR Thursday sometime. Yay!)
updated by @restmin: 04/18/15 01:51:13PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
When importing 'global discussions' from a Ning archive you have two options.

1) Import them to the Jamroom Forum module
2) Import them to a Jamroom Group

The differences are that the forum module provides more flexibility for managing categories, topics and posts but user posts on topics are 'flat', ie. one after the other by time posted, whereas group discxussion comments can optionally be 'threaded'.

Whichever you choose, in Jamroom, all forums and groups (as well as all other module items) belong to a profile, so I would suggest that prior to import, you create a profile called (say) 'Community'. Then you can configure the import process to allocate 'global' discussion to this profile's forum or group.

Hope that helps

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
114 posts
Sounds good. I had my members exported already. not sure if you are familiar with ning export, but I think I need to export it all over again then, if I have changed/added a "member/profile" - Does that sound familiar? Would that be the best way to go? (Rather than just mention I 'need a profile' when i sent the files?)

Thank you for answering at 12:45 AM! Wow! I couldn't sleep so got up to hit another "export" button on my Ning archiving. Hoping their are other 'weird' people like that here :)
10 years ago
114 posts
"export all over again" = export the members again.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Its only 4PM where I am ;-)
Just to be clear, you add the 'Community'profile on the Jamroom site. Not sure if you have added it to Ning and then redownloaded the archive.

But ideally, when downloading the archive you need to 'freeze' the Ning site so that no new profiles or content are created there during the transition to Jamroom. Don't know Ning that well so not sure if that is possible?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
