closed Problems with profiles on fresh import

White Agency
White Agency
10 years ago
204 posts
Now that I've got ning to remove the 10000 record restriction on the archive, I've done a fresh import from fresh but have the following problems :-

1) Ning sign up questions - none of the signup questions have been imported - had this problem before and Paul wen t in and sorted it out.

2) I noticed when I viewed some galleries that they went to a 404 page. If I do a search for the user in the profile browser, they turn up but when you go to view their profile page you get a 404 ??

Anybody any ideas ??


updated by @white-agency: 05/01/15 10:33:05PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
1) goto Ning Import Tools and click on the signup questions button. This will create all the questions/answers in the user data store.

2) I would need to check out your site to see what is happening here.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
White Agency
White Agency
10 years ago
204 posts
Clicked the signup button but nothing has appeared :(

I'll send the login details to the support email address.


10 years ago
4,335 posts
I've got all the signup questions sorted. This is actually an issue in the NingImport tool. I'll get that fixed up.

Have clicked on a few random galleries and they all work so far. Have you an example of one or two that don't?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
White Agency
White Agency
10 years ago
204 posts
Thanks Paul.

Try /steve-lynn-ashby/gallery/10/Skiing%20in%20%20a%20motorhome and /edward-lyster/gallery/4399/france+july+august+2010+002

Their profile page do not work either

We are running this on nginx rather than Apache so don't know if that is an issue.


updated by @white-agency: 03/18/15 02:27:13AM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Have looked at the offending profiles on the DS and can't see why they don't work when others do. It might be nginx I guess but I don't see how. Let me see if Brian has any suggestions.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
7,788 posts
White Agency:
Try /steve-lynn-ashby/gallery/10/Skiing%20in%20%20a%20motorhome and /edward-lyster/gallery/4399/france+july+august+2010+002

That URL has some strange components to it.

If it was 'raw url encoded' then you would expect to see all spaces as %20 which there are.
If it was 'not encoded' you would expect to see spaces as spaces which are shown.
If it was 'url encoded' you would expect to see spaces as + signs, we have those too.

What you would not expect to see is a combination of all three. That is weird.
updated by @michael: 03/18/15 07:02:57PM
10 years ago
3,603 posts
I think he gave two different urls as examples, separated by " and "...hence the spaces in the middle.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
4,335 posts
The problem is that even /steve-lynn-ashby and /edward-lyster give a 404 error even though they are valid profiles and their datastore entries look good.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
White Agency
White Agency
10 years ago
204 posts
OK, we put Apache2 onto the server instead of Nginx and this has solved the problem with profiles going to a 404 so there must be a problem with the way Nginx handles the re-writes.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
We haven't tried JR with Nginx but assumed that it should be ok, but that obviously isn't the case.
Is there any reason you want to use Nginx or are you ok with Apache2?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
White Agency
White Agency
10 years ago
204 posts
Only reason for using Nginx is because our other servers are/will be using it but they will only be running Ruby on Rails which runs faster with lower memory consumption on Nginx.

As this site is php it will be run on a separate server so Apache2 is OK though if it can be figured out what needs to be done to get it running on Nginx we would swap over to it.
10 years ago
15 posts
Well I actually face the classic "504 Gateway Time-out" error. I am using Nginx as reverse proxy together with apache2 so that nginx sends out the static content while the rest is processed by tha apache2. This is a common way on doing things at the moment with webhosted dedicated servers where someone alike me is hosting loads domains with various contents.

And yes hi again it´s me, Matthias, again :-) - I have been short in time thru the last couple years but I didn`t forget about jamroom at all. I mean how could I - lol - I have supported and bought every version since 2007. I just thought I give you some time to develope JR5 and now I decided to give it a try to see if it is possible to work with it on a production site.

So far I am in early stage of testing but as stated on top. Actually all seems to work fine but once you start the "Performance Check" it results in a time out by nginx.

I will keep on testing and will let you know how I solved this nginx problem when there is a solution.

I am looking forward working with JR again for the next couple of months and maybe this time I can finally use JR for a production site that is reliable.

Best Matthias
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Matthias - Good to see you again :-)
Yes - Let us know how you get on using Nginx, any issues you find and how they might be resolved. As stated above, we haven't actually tested JR on Nginx servers but if there are any adaptations we can make to JR we would be happy to know about them.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
