solved Site Builder Panels - Image Tab

10 years ago
334 posts
Uploaded images are not displayed properly in the tab.
Capture.JPG.jpg  •  94KB

updated by @ilker: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
10 years ago
7,788 posts
My guess is you've uploaded some images into the modules /img folder
/modules/jrPanels/img/ (uploaded images)

Thats not the right thing to do. Next time an update comes out all your images will disappear.

Only upload images to a cloned skins /img/ folder if you have other stuff to use. You can access any image in the cloned skins /img/ folder by using this code:
{jrCore_image image="logo.png" width="170" height="40" class="any classes you want here" alt="Some alt text here"}

In the example above that will display the logo.png file in the /img/ folder of the currently active skin.

That way you can use all the caching, resizing and cropping features on any image you uploaded.
10 years ago
334 posts
Okay I see what mean. But there is a button there to upload images and uploaded images are not displayed properly. I will use the way you offer. Thanks..

Another point is; I have updated my logo using Skin/Images tab. Even if it is correctly displayed on the website header it is not displayed properly on Images Tab of the Slate Skin. I think it is just a point you should check.
10 years ago
7,788 posts
I might have missed the point. I understood it as "You've uploaded some images via FTP to /modules/jrPanels/img/*" but if that's not the case, what were you trying to achieve?

Ah, I see what you mean. Thanks, I'll go check it out. It does look wrong.
10 years ago
7,788 posts
Got it, the URL is wrong. Its pointing to
but should be

You said its wrong in the skins too? probably the switch is round the wrong way. I'll get it fixed up. Thanks very much.
10 years ago
7,788 posts
Thanks for this. This bug has been fixed in the core 5.2.28.

It was just the image displaying on that page, the code in the next column is working correctly, so if you want to use those images, use the smarty code in the second column to display them and they will display correctly.

Cheers. :)
10 years ago
334 posts
Actually, I have been using those images with smarty code and there were no problems. The problem was just the image displaying on that page. And I said I have seen the same problem at ACP->Skins->Images Tab (Custom column)
Thanks for fixing it
