Voice tags

10 years ago
0 posts
could a voice tag for audio files be applied to certain quotas
updated by @centricbeats: 05/05/15 06:56:25PM
10 years ago
44 posts
Jamroom Staff,
Any response for this? I think providing that functionality will really help a lot of us.
Some users may not need it but at least if the functionality is there as a configurable option or a module, a lot of users would most likely pay for it

10 years ago
4,335 posts
Excuse my ignorance - Voice tag? What exactly do you need to do?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
44 posts
Hi Paul.
I'm sure you came accross this few tomes but maybe just not familiar with the term.
VoiceTag is the voice stamp that plays & repeats on the background when the normal song/beat/music plays.
it doesn't fully protect against piracy but for the majority is small sites that want to monetize music/beat. But it is the traditional quick and dirty way to protect. Also it's usually a great and simple way to advertise while lisners are listening to the sample tracks in the player. Usually the voice tag is made so that the sound file can be loaded or replaced by the site admin when desired. So I would think it would be implemented as a LOOP that would sync with the main HTML5 player and starts/play/stop same time the normal player does.

Please listen to some tracks on the sites below & you will see the voice tags in action



10 years ago
44 posts
Hi Paul,
Did you get chance to look into this?
10 years ago
7,788 posts
It would require a module to be built. The functionality doesn't exist right now.

Thanks for the suggestion.
10 years ago
44 posts
Hi. Is Jamroom interested in developing this module or implement it as "custom" work ?
Let me know if you can do it within next month or so. If not then I can advertise it as a freelance custom work in the freelance section to see if a developer is available for it
