My playlist as a list of songs

10 years ago
167 posts
I have a playlist and I want to display it as a list of songs without a player on the home page. Is it possible?

I tried to use this:
{jrCore_list module="jrPlaylist" order_by="_created desc" search1="playlist_title = best" profile_id="1" template="index_radio.tpl"}
but it displays the player.

I see a list of the songs can be displayed on the page of the playlist in a profile page.

In item_detail.tpl it displays this

{foreach $item.playlist_items as $playlist_item}

{include file=$item.playlist_templates[$playlist_item.playlist_module] playlist_id=$item._item_id}


but this code does not work in index_radio.tpl etc.
updated by @dim: 03/23/15 01:00:36AM
10 years ago
167 posts

Is BBcodes only work in the comments?
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
You could just hide the player using css so it leaves just the list of songs. Pop up a link to your site and will see what can be added to do this when I get home from work later.
10 years ago
167 posts
@john-bizley, css..

At the moment I am not able to display a list of songs of my playlist on the main page.
10 years ago
7,788 posts
You can use this code to get playlist #1
{capture name="row_template" assign="template"}
    {if isset($item.playlist_items) && is_array($item.playlist_items)}
    {jrCore_module_url module="jrAudio" assign="murl"}
    {foreach $item.playlist_items as $_i}
    the item name is {$_i.audio_title}

{jrPlaylist_util mode="embed_playlist" playlist_id=1 template=$template}

The {debug} in there will popup the dialog and show you what all the variables you can use are. Remove it once your happy with the layout of your template.
