PHPstorm is a great editor and is promoted by the JR staff. The only hangup I have with PHPstorm is that it's paid software... not everyone has $$$ to pay. If you've got tons of cash and want to go with a paid solution, phpstorm is excellent software. If you don't like to spend a lot of cash, check out the solutions below.
There are some great open source editors out there. I've started using Brackets. My love for Brackets is building everyday! Brackets is made by Adobe and has a ton of features. Check out the video below to find out more information.
Developer's Toolbox: Brackets
Brackets : Code the Web
Atom is a fairly new editor created by GitHub. It's very similar to sublime text. It has a ton of features and works very well with GitHub (obviously).
GITHUB ATOM - Why will be your favorite Text Editor!
First Impression of Atom Text Editor Beta
updated by @jimmy: 03/24/15 10:19:48AM