Create Radio Station

10 years ago
302 posts
Is there a way to create a Radio Station? Is there a way to select artists and songs I want to include on my radio station?
updated by @andrusito: 03/28/15 03:39:07PM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Use the Playlist module to create a station playlist.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
302 posts
Hey Paul, I've investigating the playlist module. And now I've 3 questions:

1. Can I add full albums to my playlist? I mean, instead of adding one by one.
2. Is there any setting to enable random play for radio player? Maybe a piece of code just for radio players?
3. This is about audio module: I've set the "MP3 Bit Rate" to 128. But, what happens if I upload a 256kbps song? I know Jamroom will convert it, but is my original 256kbps song deleted after that? or it will be saved on the server too?

Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi andrusito,

I'm not sure what you are looking for but if you want streaming radio, you can get a set-up like this or this for a $5. a month server account, and serve up to a thousand listeners.

I've got the player on my Jamroom

You must load your songs in a server folder, or connect to the DJ port from your computer, with this type of set-up. It's basically a glorified Shoutcast.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
302 posts
It seems like a better and faster solution that way. How many songs can I upload? Is it on my server or on yours? where do I sign up? thanks!
10 years ago
4 posts
Hi andrusito!
I've had my own station for quite some time called E.FM. I use Shoutcast from my own server and love it because I get to control all of it. If you want more info private message me and I'll be happy to help. Not sure if the button will show up here but you can see it in the comment section of my Creator's Profile:
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Well, I get that from my friend's server which has a WHMsonic subpanel with Shoutcast. You would upload songs to a folder, and they will stream. You can also connect to the DJ port with a free program and stream up from your computer, even talk live on a mic or do call in shows.

There is a default player, or if you want to get fancy, use whatever you want. I use a HTML5 player I bought from SVNlabs.

There are a thousand places that offer a similar service. What I like about this one, is he doesn't limit or charge extra for more listeners - you can literally have a thousand simultaneously. You get ample space to stream a large library, and can purchase more space if you have some sort of mega library. He gives "phone support" also, which is so much better than writing tickets.

He's had it at $3 monthly, but told me just this morning he's upping it to $5 monthly for those who don't also have a hosting account. He's also considering offering some "ready made" radio station/radio page layouts based on my designs (one time fee).

Full disclosure - this is my affiliate link meaning I make 10% on anything you buy there using that as your gateway - but the price is the same to you. WHM SONIC is what you are looking for. Hope that helps.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 02/19/15 01:39:32PM
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Yay Edie! :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
For $10 a month (with my friend) you can have a proper hosting account with many sites and the shoutcast radio at a thousand listeners - lol.

You can stream URL's by using the free program Winamp + DSP which is a plugin. Navigate to the URL, and send it up to the DJ port on your Shoutcast server.

Works great but consumes your bandwidth. Not recommend if you are planning to do other things with your Internet at the same time.

I would like to find a programmer who can write a modification to take a Jamroom playlist URL and send it through a shoutcast server. Or, write a program to copy the 128 bit MP3's from the Jamroom database into a folder for streaming. Perhaps with a radio checkbox the admin controls.

That's beyond my abilities, but I do make nice radio pages. I like this one because it fits on a mobile phone and links to whatever you want -


Ken Rich
10 years ago
4 posts
Hey Strumelia!!! Trying to get this party started...right...NOW! Ha!!
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Well it's about time! l o l :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
4 posts
About time for what? I've been streaming for ages. I definitely need help to grow though and I thank you and Ken Rich for the steer. Yay, indeed! I'll figure it out from here. Didn't mean to take over your thread andrusito. I'm still here for you if you need me. :)
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
That's all well and good, but I need some concrete 'this is what you do to get started' advice. $5/mo sounds great for the amenities mentioned above. I take it you are a reseller, so point me in the direction to help you get the 10%.... if you will.

How much is the template above, or do you charge to do it yourself? Either way, its impressive, and you're welcome.

Click and subscribe to the WHMsonic package.

That get's you the shoutcast server and it's default player.

My friend is checking with Synlabs to see if he can licence their player for the whole server. If not, it will be $34 (one time) for the license. It has a config file where you set the color, logo, share buttons, etc.


If you want my page layout, I would charge $50 (one time) and set it up for you. That assumes you have the player above (which I shrink to fit - CSS), the graphics, label names, and link URL's for buttons.

I do the meta data for OG scraper, favicon, label and link all buttons, and set background picture. I can also give you an autoplay and non autoplay embed code.

You supply the graphics, or it's an additional $20 to create a logo, OG image, and favicon. There are lot's of free backgrounds online, choose one, or I can give you my royalty free nature shot.

I don't work for Jamroom, I'm not a 3rd party developer, and I'm really busy with my own stuff.

So busy in fact, that I can't give an ETA on completion, and there is no guarantee of support after completion. If you manage to get me at all, I'm not firing up my editor to change buttons for less than $10.

However, I use simple 3 picture buttons with standard links. So if you change your mind (after the fact) on where something should point, you can edit it yourself.

Hope that helps...


Ken Rich
10 years ago
4 posts
Perfect. I really appreciate you spelling it out for me. Now I can make an informed decision Ken. I'm excited. I know you're a busy man. I'm a tinkerer by nature so I won't bug you. You helped by providing me with this response, and I'm over the moon grateful. Thank you.

10 years ago
7,792 posts
If you want to pick the songs, use a playlist. If you don't care, use this:
The player:
{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" order_by="_created random" limit="50"}

That will search for any random 50 audio files and put them in the player. It will change each time the cache has expired. Its not continuous because it stops at 50, you could have more. You could order differently, perhaps newest.

The search system is the same as jrCore_list

10 years ago
1,353 posts
I just figured out that if you use this
{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_button" module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" order_by="_created random" limit="50"}
You will get a play button for your list without a long bulky player list-pretty simple but a Eureka moment for me- now I am going to have an oilfield radio station! Just got to style the rest of the box :)
10 years ago
7,792 posts
You don't need to have a long bulky player list. You can use CSS to limit the height of just the playlist section:

add this to your skins CSS{
to only show the currently playing song and the next one.
updated by @michael: 02/21/15 10:38:05AM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Perfect. I really appreciate you spelling it out for me. Now I can make an informed decision Ken. I'm excited. I know you're a busy man. I'm a tinkerer by nature so I won't bug you. You helped by providing me with this response, and I'm over the moon grateful. Thank you.


An update. I moved to Jamroom hosting and I am now running my radio sites from there. (eg. ) is not built on the Jamroom platform, but is running on Jamroom hosting.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 02/22/15 12:14:59PM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
I just figured out that if you use this
{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_button" module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" order_by="_created random" limit="50"}
You will get a play button for your list without a long bulky player list-pretty simple but a Eureka moment for me- now I am going to have an oilfield radio station! Just got to style the rest of the box :)

Hi Derrick,

Just a FYI on terminology.

That's a simple playlist player, a radio station is a different animal altogether. It has abilities like "live" mixing, voiceovers, etc.

Thanks for that tip though, I didn't know we could "gear up" a button player that way.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
1,353 posts
What is a good quality online radio software that we can BUY and upload/run from our JR server without monthly fees etc...
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
The one I use is a c-panel plugin called WHMSonic which employs a Shoutcast server. Since Jamroom doesn't support c-panel access, I don't know what would work.

It would be cool if they did give us Shoutcast though, through whatever method they employ to control the Linode server. Then I could ditch a bill elsewhere and use my server resources here to stream.

It would definitely make JR hosting more attractive, if we had that option.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 02/25/15 09:25:35AM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Well then I bet it will happen
Concerning Shoutcast- is there a monthly bill with that? ( or advertisements?)
updated by @derrickhand300: 02/25/15 04:55:36AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Bill yes, advertisements no. The bill is usually tied to bandwidth used, number of listeners, and size of file storage.

5$ a month will get you streaming where I am. You won't need to upgrade unless you have a huge library or lot's of listeners, such that you start sucking up the server's resources.

There would be no monthly bill if you were streaming from your own server. The license to set up WHMsonic on your sever is relatively cheap (under $150. if memory serves). Then you can create hundreds of stations and sell streaming services.

I just don't know if it can be done on Jamroom, since they don't use c-panel.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 02/25/15 09:34:36AM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Ok I will study on it and if I purchase the WHMsonic I will do it from your link
I have also been trying to study this opensource "Icecast" but need time
I am wondering if we can log into our server using Putty and install? I know we cannot log in as ROOT...will try this later and let you know what I come up with
JR released a couple toys today -my fav is the Batch Edit- NOW I can make my images search engine friendly as well as site search friendly- wanted this for years so its like Christmas here :)
updated by @derrickhand300: 02/25/15 12:28:26PM
