I'm in the process of creating a custom template. One of the things I'm worried about is the updates to the modules. Everyday there seems to be an update to a module and I fear that I'm going to update a module and break my site's template.
For each module I see that there is a change log which is very helpful in understanding what was changed on a basic level. Since I'm not using one of the Jamroom themes I can't use the compare to see what has changed or needs to be updated in the templates.
I would like to request a couple additions to the changelog. Maybe there already there, if they are, please let me know.
1. Security Priority. Since I'll need to check each one of my templates for each modules that is being updated, having a security rating in the changelog would help me determine if I can wait to make the module update or not. I believe the other day there were 7 modules that I needed to update. It would be great if I knew which one I should update first vs. which one could wait. Having a security rating would allow me to put off modules with a low rating and focus on the modules with a high rating.
2. Template / Variable Modification. Maybe this could just be a "Yes" or "No" in the changelog which would tell me that some variable has changed in the template. Obviously, my CSS and HTML is going to be different. But if some variable has changed then having this would let me know that I need to check my template against the provided module templates to see what variable has changed.
3. Template / Variable Add. Another "Yes" or "No" letting me know that a new variable has been added to a template.
4. Anything other information which would provide a better workflow for a custom template creator.
There are going to always be updates, I just don't want to worry when I click the update button... even though most of the time it will be tested on my local system before I update to my live system.
updated by @jimmy: 03/20/15 10:14:29PM