Music Downloads ??

12 years ago
200 posts
I was told to do this to enable music downloads "To enable downloads, go into the ACP -> Media -> Audio Support module and make sure the "Block MP3 Downloads" option is _unchecked_. Then, reset caches from ACP -> reset caches and you should be set." I did that but i do not see anywhere on the player where the music can be downloaded any ideas ?
updated by @kayskeem: 12/26/13 04:16:23AM
12 years ago
7,783 posts
add the download link into your audio modules item_details.tpl page.

click the MODIFY button next to the item_details.tpl file

next, add this code in where you want the download button to display:
 download:  <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/download/audio_file/{$item._item_id}">{jrCore_icon icon="download"}</a><br>

(probably best to put it right at the bottom, before the last item, then adjust it once you know its working.)

then click SAVE CHANGES.

click CANCEL.

check the checkbox in the ACTIVE column next to item_details.tpl

then click SAVE CHANGES.

that should get your button to appear.
updated by @michael: 11/22/13 07:54:58PM
12 years ago
200 posts
That worked thanks. Do you by chance know how to get songs in order ? I did it on that one screen but its not affecting the actual album on the player and the tracks below it. an example is here
12 years ago
328 posts
Thanks a lot Michael. I was wondering the same. I have got the answer.

12 years ago
7,783 posts
Always good to ask new questions in a new thread so it becomes a resource for others.

a good title for the thread that people might find and find useful could perhaps be "How do i re-order songs in an album". (for next time :) )

"Re-ordering songs in an album"
Re-ordering songs in an album

See if that helps.
12 years ago
200 posts
Ok i'll keep that in mind. Wow that was so easy to do I cant believe I didnt catch that ! thanks !!!
12 years ago
7,783 posts
Thank you @kayskeem, I have put it up as a documentation page here:

In case others want to find or comment on it. :)
12 years ago
200 posts
ok good !
