But the gallery only appears once.
I am curious to know how this occurred, and in trying to figure this out I first went to the jrGallery datastore browser. Nothing there.
So I went to the Timeline module and sure enough, there they are in the datastore. Consecutive entries' jrAction content looks like this:
{"_created":"1422733532","_updated":"1422733532","... }
I am guessing these are Julian dates and I could not find a converter to figure out what the time differences were in a format that made sense to me, but ...
The timestamps are identical through the first 10 digits.
The timestamp differences are 154 units and 87 units which makes me think they happened very close together.
Not the sort of thing that a user would do, but something a program might do. Plus, the number of timeline entries is exactly 10, which is a number that's used all over the place for pagebreaks and similar limits.
I don't want to delete the timeline entries until someone has a chance to look into this but I do want to make sure I don't have a lot of identical entries in my timeline.
updated by @claygordon: 03/22/15 05:33:52PM