If you take a close look at the screen shot - the URL at the very bottom of the page - you will see that it's routed to the member forum, not the site-wide forum owner, which is me.
The URLs are correct when I go to the Forums page and they are correct in the Activity Timeline. They are just wrong in the Latest Forums Post box.
This is a problem as you might imagine and, again, I have no idea what might have caused the change in behavior since last night.
One thing I did notice that may or may not be related. When I woke up this morning the Private Notes function was missing from the top nav! I went into the Quota Config and it was set properly there, but I went in and re-applied the quota config settings and it reappeared. This is not the first time this has happened but before I was willing to believe it was because I wasn't paying attention to the quota settings.
I did disable and re-enable the " Allow Profile Forum " capability in the jrForum quota config but this did not address the problem. What I did notice was that when this was off, no Forum posts from members were visible on the home page. I turned it back on and the Forum posts reappeared on the home page, but the URLs were still wrong.
I did not do anything in any of the related template files last night to mess with the URLs this way. I did add some sub-menus to items in the top nav (hover over pages, for example) but I can't see how this would affect what's being displayed in the Latest Profile Forums content block.
updated by @claygordon: 03/08/15 04:52:31PM