How Do You Add Another Row To An Existing Layout ?

John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
When in site builder how do you add one or more rows to an existing layout ? So lets say I have built a layout and added some widgets to it but then decide I would like to add a new row of images at the bottom. To add that it seems you have to go to new layout and rebuild the whole thing again to add the new row.

It would be great to have another option for editing the existing layout you are own rather than having to rebuild a whole new layout to add just another row.
updated by @john-bizley: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
10 years ago
75 posts
I've found no way to interject a new row between two others. Nor a way to delete a row (which is odd). Maybe they will tweak this setup further. Fingers crossed b/c it's annoying as heck starting over from scratch. lol
10 years ago
75 posts
I've been having trouble the last few hours with my layout 'flipping out'. My home page has completely reverted to a basic layout (yuck) and when I try to select another layout OR design a new one, it doesn't accept it. No errors. Just won't take. I'm hoping the JR guys are already working on this...........hopefully I'm not alone in this
10 years ago
75 posts
My panel browser shows I'm selecting different ones however they're not appearing when the pages refresh. I ran a system check and performance check. o/c did a hard refresh as well. Nothing. Time for a drink?
updated by @kos: 02/03/15 01:25:29PM
10 years ago
2,804 posts
To add another row, I just re-create a "New Layout" of the page and then add in the extra row where I want it. You may have to adjust your widgets because they might move to a different panel since the layout has changed.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
To add another row, I just re-create a "New Layout" of the page and then add in the extra row where I want it. You may have to adjust your widgets because they might move to a different panel since the layout has changed.

Hi Douglas, yes that is the point I was trying to make is that you have to go and re-create another layout rather than having an 'edit current layout' section. Suppose you just want to add another row at the bottom you have to go and re-do all the work you did previously again to do that. Would be nice to be able just to edit the current layout to save time.
10 years ago
7,793 posts
There is no way to alter an existing layout. you'd need to re-create a new layout in the structure you wanted and shift the blocks around.

when you change layouts, the widgets still exist and will fall into where they were put IF that section exists.

so if you had a 6-6 layout and put some widgets into both columns, then changed the page layout to a 12 layout, all the items that were in the first column of the 6-6 layout would be shown, but the other column would not show up until you changed to a layout that had 2 columns.

The system records like this:
"first column widgets" "second column widgets" "third column widgets"

so altering a layout to insert a row would need to updated all the widgets to move them out so the row could go in. Not something I'd really like to do unless its really needed. vitally important?
