I often have more than one tab open and when two or more of (different) pages are titled "Home" it can get confusing. IMO, the only page that should have the title "Home" is the actual Home page.
How and where the page name gets assigned does not appear to be consistent.
1) Page titles Search results page and sub-pages. The page title is NOT set either in language string id=2 or by the module URL.
2) Page title Groups. Changing the module URL changes the page name.
3) Page title Forums. The page title is set in language string id=36, which is also used as the text for the left-most tab.
4) Page title Events. Changing the module URL changes the page name.
5) Page title Private Notes. The page title is set in language string id=2 (and the "home" page is for some reason at .../note/notes not .../notes).
updated by @claygordon: 03/15/15 06:22:21AM