10 years ago
8 posts
is the a way to make jamroom function just like itunes where users can sell music but the site determines the cost and then get a % of all the sale?
updated by @clear-i-radio: 03/15/15 05:51:09PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
is the a way to make jamroom function just like itunes where users can sell music but the site determines the cost and then get a % of all the sale?

Yes - you would use the FoxyCart module and set the "Payout Percent" to something less than 100, and then you would use the "audio import" tool to pull in audio and create profiles based on uploaded music you control.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
8 posts
which template would you recommend that close simiular to itunes which will allow me to accomplish what we trying to accomplish

good to see you briin we worked with you before and used jamroom since 2004 2005 so its been ten years you were back in Washington back then.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
which template would you recommend that close simiular to itunes which will allow me to accomplish what we trying to accomplish

good to see you briin we worked with you before and used jamroom since 2004 2005 so its been ten years you were back in Washington back then.

Difficult to recommend any one skin as they all would need custom template work to achieve something like an iTunes clone. Maybe if you like the colour scheme of any one skin, that would be a start as it would then save any CSS work -

Alternatively, take a look at Site Builder. You may be able to build the exact layout you want with that -


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
