Brian -
I go to the User Accounts Browser.
Click on Last login twice to see the most recent logins
The record I am talking about is on page two (of 96)
It's still there. This user logged in last at: 01/28/15 09:20:35PM
There is only the jrimage_display text in the image column. No user ID so I can't click on Modify. I don't know where to start looking in the datastore other than to page through all 96 pages of members and do a browser search on the page for jrimage_display to find out where it even is in the datastore.
Yeah there's kind of a secret to finding it, but if you delete the wrong keys it can mess things up. What you can do is run this query in your Database Admin:
SELECT `_item_id`, COUNT(`key`) AS cnt FROM jr_jruser_item_key GROUP BY `_item_id` ORDER BY cnt ASC LIMIT 10
Basically that will pull up users based on the number of keys in their account - I just ran this on your site and the very top one only had a couple of keys, which usually means a bad account so I remove it and you should be good to go.
Note that the keys were only ning keys related to Signup Questions, so we'll want to check out the importer and make sure it's not putting in some bad keys, as you really should never ever see this.
Hope this helps!
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom