(Context: I am currently evaluating Jamroom as an alternative to ning 2.0, so I am new to JR, so maybe I ask stupid questions. I already purchased the ning support and ning import etc: there are some issues, but I will first experiment for solutions a little more (german import ..) before I post/ask on that. I also have site builder beta installed, so maybe it has to do with beta?).
I have the Editor Embedded module active, but I have no button for opening the embedding in the editor.
My editor looks different from the one in the Editor Embedded video, see attached screenshot
( https://www.jamroom.net/the-jamroom-network/documentation/modules/194/editor-embedded-media ).
I disabled the Editor embedded module and reenabled it: that did not bring up the button.
I ran a system integrity check (whatever this does): still no button.
Just to be sure I tried a different browser: nope.
Do I need to enable the mentioned tinyMCE editor?
If so, where? (I searched all modules and the support forum, but found nothing)
Anybody any hints?
updated by @jonasmuc: 03/11/15 01:59:56AM