solved Some funky things happening on cloned skins when styling

John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
I noticed this yesterday but thought I would come back to it 24 hours to test again.
Ok so what was happening is that on a cloned skin as soon as you went into the style editor and say changed a font size lots of other settings would change also. As an example in the Jamroom Pro 5 skin when I changed a font size all the hover and colour settings where lost in the main menu and also other title settings and the tabs in the ACP also changed. So I went to a cloned Ningja skin and tried the same thing and this also changed other settings. Went back and forth for hours trying to get the settings changed in the style editor and was getting really frustrating as sometimes it worked and others not. Also for some reason in the profile pages all the tabs went into mobile view and each tab stretched accross the screen one under the other.

Today I went into my ACP and deleted the cloned skins and went into the Jamroom 5 Pro skin and started changing settings with no problem. It seems as though when a skin is cloned and the templates etc go with it that there looks like some sort of conflict going on between the original skin and the clonded one.
updated by @john-bizley: 03/15/15 07:48:18PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Just to to clarify - when you change the Style for the cloned skin you're seeing it behave weird on the skin it was cloned FROM or the cloned skin?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
On the cloned skin, went back to the orignal skin and was styling ok but saying that I just went into the acp style editor to change the color of the #menu tabs in the non cloned skin ( so was the original Jamroom Pro Skin ) and changed 1 color setting and after saving it I lost all the other colour settings on it including the hover colour; text colour and active tab colour, also the drop down menus lost thier placements, see image included as you should be able to see the arrow is not in line with the correct tab.
stylesettings.jpg  •  78KB

updated by @john-bizley: 01/27/15 02:35:15PM
10 years ago
2,584 posts
John, as I'm sure you know, it's easier to see what the css is doing from a link to the page with the css in it than from a screenshot.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
John, as I'm sure you know, it's easier to see what the css is doing from a link to the page with the css in it than from a screenshot.

Here is a link to the site

I never touched any of the the template css and only changed one setting via the options in the style editor. I could easily correct it by changing the CSS manually but wanted to just try and do as much as I could in the ACP first so only then having to make minor adjustments in the css templates themselves.
10 years ago
2,584 posts
I had a very brief look with ff tools. Could be something to do with top: 0px !important;

I'll try to look tomorrow if you haven't already fixed it.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
I had a very brief look with ff tools. Could be something to do with top: 0px !important;

I'll try to look tomorrow if you haven't already fixed it.

Hi Steve, I fixed this by changing that value to 5px for the second #Menu ul ul so it lines up now but this I knew how to do already but thanks for taking a look anyway. The point about the post was more to do with this and other elements settings changing once I just made one font colour setting in the ACP Style editor, it took a lot of time to go back and try to put back the settings that had changed which was a bit frustrating.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Sorry for the frustration - the style editor has A LOT of stuff going on behind the scenes - I will check it out and see if I can spot what might be happening.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
Now all my columns have gone all 100% wide ? Not touched any of them. Also no matter what I do I cannot get the hover to work on the main header menu including the colour for the active tab. Tried all in the style editor then tried in the css templates themselves but nothing seems to take effect. I have checked I was working on the correct version and templates.

By way this is not on a cloned skin as gave up on that so am editing the main skin itself.
updated by @john-bizley: 01/29/15 02:00:25PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
John Bizley:
Now all my columns have gone all 100% wide ? Not touched any of them. Also no matter what I do I cannot get the hover to work on the main header menu including the colour for the active tab. Tried all in the style editor then tried in the css templates themselves but nothing seems to take effect. I have checked I was working on the correct version and templates.

By way this is not on a cloned skin as gave up on that so am editing the main skin itself.

Are you editing in the "style" section or the CSS files directly?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
John Bizley:
Now all my columns have gone all 100% wide ? Not touched any of them. Also no matter what I do I cannot get the hover to work on the main header menu including the colour for the active tab. Tried all in the style editor then tried in the css templates themselves but nothing seems to take effect. I have checked I was working on the correct version and templates.

By way this is not on a cloned skin as gave up on that so am editing the main skin itself.

Are you editing in the "style" section or the CSS files directly?


Tried to do all my editing in the "style" section, one or two bits I had to do in the css files but only a couple of lines.
10 years ago
3,605 posts
John -off topic for a sec, but- I like that dark leather background you have for the moment.
Your sites always look smart and professional.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
John -off topic for a sec, but- I like that dark leather background you have for the moment.
Your sites always look smart and professional.

Thanks Strumelia, I appreciate that. The site may look a bit better now I finally got the columns back as they should be. That background was a Ning background image that I copied out from there.
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
Ok finally got my columns back in line as they should be but now we have another issue that the members lists have now stopped working :-(
I think I may have to give up on this Skin as too many things keep going wrong when editing items in the style section.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
John Bizley:
Ok finally got my columns back in line as they should be but now we have another issue that the members lists have now stopped working :-(
I think I may have to give up on this Skin as too many things keep going wrong when editing items in the style section.

John - Sorry to hear that frustration, but for now just edit directly in the CSS files until we can find out what's going on. I've had limited "work time" this week but am trying to get caught up on some outstanding issues, so will be checking this out soon.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
After spending many hours and days trying to get this figured out today I deleted the whole skin and also any other skins I had installed in case they where confusing matters. So re-installed the ProJam skin fresh and tried to edit the styles again and same things happen all over again. So removed it and tried another skin, Flashback. Went to the styles changed the breadcrumbs colour which in turn then list the hover colour. Changed the Main menu background colour for the tabs, this lost all the active hover colours and hover colour on moving between tabs, also the subtab menu flyouts lost their positioning again. Also when making changes to colours like the menu colours all other colours and links get messed up.

In the previous ProJam skin when you let's say change a column width in the style editor then go back to the site and check if it looks ok in the mobile side of things and it doesn't so you go back to the style editor and change it back the setting does not take and it stays on the mobile stylesheet.

There seems to be a lot of other issues when selecting the options in the style side of things because as soon as you select another option it gets the word !important stuck on the end which then stops other items working correctly. The word !important in css takes over from any other setting and really should only be used as a last resort as over use can cause many issues like this.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
John Bizley:
The word !important in css takes over from any other setting and really should only be used as a last resort as over use can cause many issues like this.

This is done to ensure that the user's version is more "important" than the skin version, so it's needed.

I've had minimal time online this week, but will be back in my office tomorrow and will be checking things out.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Douglas has been able to replicate this issue, so we're working on it now.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
Douglas has been able to replicate this issue, so we're working on it now.


Thanks Brian
10 years ago
10,149 posts
John - this should be working much better in the latest Core 5.2.23 release - update and let me know if that looks better.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts
John - this should be working much better in the latest Core 5.2.23 release - update and let me know if that looks better.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the info Brian, will check it out although I will change to a new skin first as I have done lot's in my current skin css files as ignored the style editor altogether due to the previous odd happenings.

Will report back when had chance to check it out :-)
10 years ago
10,149 posts
That's great - thanks!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts

Off topic ... but I noticed in the first screenshot that you moved the main menu below the header. I want to do this on my site ... using a variation of the same style sheet class used for the profile menus. Would appreciate pointers on how to move the menu.

I am using the Ningja skin w/o Site Builder.

:: Clay
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts
John Bizley:
John -off topic for a sec, but- I like that dark leather background

Thanks Strumelia, ((snipped ))That background was a Ning background image that I copied out from there.

John -

Are you replacing one of the stock skin images in the ACP or modifying the template code (and where) to add the image?

John Bizley
John Bizley
10 years ago
251 posts

Off topic ... but I noticed in the first screenshot that you moved the main menu below the header. I want to do this on my site ... using a variation of the same style sheet class used for the profile menus. Would appreciate pointers on how to move the menu.

I am using the Ningja skin w/o Site Builder.

:: Clay

That menu placement was part of that skins style of ProJam Pro, I am now on the Ningja skin but it can be easily moved with just a little css, will pop a tip up for that one. Also with regards to the background this I added via the ACP but it can also be done easily by adding some little css into the css stylesheets.

I tend to work directly within the stylesheets as find it easier than going backwards and forwards in the style editor. I have not touched the module templates as just about everything for styling can be done in the css sheets.
Clay Gordon
Clay Gordon
10 years ago
744 posts

I had a similar problem early on where I was making changes using the ACP Styles Editor where I changed something and the results where not what I expected at all and to get it fixed required an update. So, I tend to want to make changes in the CSS when I can. I have downloaded a local copy that I edit and FTP up the changes.

It's been a long time since I did any serious CSS and even then it was not so serious.
